In Your Community

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In Your Community
GAF Cedar City and Stout Roofing Reroof Cedar City Fireman's Association
In Southern Utah, GAF Cedar City and Stout Roofing donated and installed new, much-needed roofing systems to support the Cedar City Fireman's Relief Association (CCFRA), which provides safe, reliable facilities for firefighters and emergency volunteers as well as key community services.
March 10, 2025
In Your Community
Ventajas de los revestimientos de silicona para techos
Como contratista comercial de construcción de techos, usted es responsable de elegir los materiales adecuados para cada trabajo. Con tantas opciones disponibles, tomar una decisión puede resultar una tarea difícil. Cada vez más, los profesionales del sector están optando por los revestimientos de silicona para techos por su fuerza y durabilidad. Este tipo de revestimientos sirve para extender la vida útil de un techo con una estructura firme y, posiblemente, para que los propietarios ahorren tiempo y dinero al retrasar la reparación completa del techo. Además, sus propiedades de restauración funcionan a la perfección con la mayoría de los sistemas comerciales de construcción de techos, como el EPDM, de fieltro, de betún y de metal.
By Mark Soto
November 19, 2024
In Your Community
GAF Celebrates Major Strides in Manufacturing Sustainability
Manufacturing sustainability is a top priority for GAF. In 2022, the company announced its 2030 Planet Goals to "focus on operational improvements, product transparency, and the introduction of circularity in the asphaltic shingle industry."
April 11, 2024
In Your Community
GAF Community Contractor Program Celebrates Success in Seattle
When communities come together, incredible things happen. That's exactly the case in the city of Seattle, Washington, where the GAF Community Contractor Program has made lasting impacts on those in need through partnerships with Habitat for Humanity and ReBuilding Together. Both nonprofit organizations focus on working with homeowners to build new homes and revitalize communities in need of rebuilding, respectively.
March 01, 2024