Residential Roofing

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Residential Roofing
Minimum Slope for Shingles: What Contractors Need to Know
As a residential roofing contractor, you've likely encountered many unique roof configurations during past projects. Whether the next roof you work on is a hip or gable, low slope or steep, knowing some handy rules of thumb can help you consider which roofing products to recommend to homeowners.
February 07, 2025
Residential Roofing
Using Pipe Boot Flashing for a Roof Leak Repair
Plumbing vent pipe penetrations are vulnerable points on a home's roof. They're often a common source for roof leaks. So when a customer calls you with a problem involving a pipe on their roof, you'll want to present them with an effective and long-lasting solution.
By Mark Soto
December 13, 2024
Residential Roofing
When Is the Best Time to Replace a Roof?
If every day was sunny, mild, and a pleasant 75 degrees, there'd be little reason to wonder about the best time to replace a roof. Of course, not everyone lives in areas with ideal weather conditions, as climates vary greatly across the country.
February 05, 2024
Residential Roofing
All about Hip and Ridge Cap Shingles
One high-stress area of a residential roof is where its two faces meet, either at a hip or a ridge. Protecting these areas helps reduce the risk of leaks. Before the advent of shingles purpose-made for hip and ridge caps, roofers typically cut up 3-tab strip shingles and bent them over these areas of the roof. Today, specially made versions of these types of shingles provide better protection while maintaining a roof's aesthetic appeal.
September 21, 2023