Hip and Ridge Shingles SDS - 2095
Safety Data Sheets

Add the perfect finishing touch to your new GAF shingle roof with premium, dimensional ridge cap shingles. TimberTex® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles offer double-layer protection at the high-stress areas of your roof (the hips and ridges) while elevating the finished look of your roof. TimberTex® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles are a key part of the GAF Lifetime Roofing System† and have earned the Good Housekeeping Seal.
This product can be used to comply with certain FORTIFIED Roof™ requirements. Visit gaf.com/fortified and current FORTIFIED Home™ Standard available at fortifiedhome.org for details. Applicable in the U.S. only.
†Lifetime refers to the length of warranty coverage provided and means as long as the original individual owner(s) of a single-family detached residence [or eligible second owner(s)] owns the property where the qualifying GAF products are installed. For other owners/structures, Lifetime coverage is not applicable. Lifetime coverage on shingles requires the use of GAF Lifetime Shingles only. See the GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. Visit gaf.com/LRS for qualifying GAF products. Lifetime coverage on shingles and accessories requires the use of any GAF Lifetime Shingle and at least 3 qualifying GAF Accessories. See the GAF Roofing System Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. For installations not eligible for the GAF Roofing System Limited Warranty, see the GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty. Visit gaf.com/LRS for qualifying GAF products.
1StainGuard Plus™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty against blue-green algae discoloration is available only on products sold in packages bearing the StainGuard Plus™ logo. See GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty for complete coverage, restrictions, and qualifying products
2TimberTex® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles are not warranted to withstand hail damage.
3See GAF System Plus, Silver Pledge™ or Golden Pledge® Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions.
NOTE: This product is not available in all regions. Visit Ridge Cap Shingle Product Availability for details.
Safety Data Sheets
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