Calculadora de ventilación

Cómo hacer el cálculo

Paso 1: medir

Mide el largo y ancho del espacio de piso en el ático a ventilar.

Paso 2: calcular

Ingresa el largo y ancho o el total de pies cuadrados del espacio de piso en el ático a ventilar.
Check Mark in Badge Icon

Paso 3: identificar

Consulta las cantidades recomendadas para cada producto de ventilación GAF (normalmente redondeadas hacia arriba).


Usa esta calculadora como ayuda para determinar la cantidad adecuada de ventilación en el ático, según las normas 1/300 de la FHA de Estados Unidos.*

Elige una dirección de la lista o no se enviará tu dirección.
Ingresa tus medidas a continuación.
Ingresa un número válido
Ingresa un número válido

O bien

Ingresa un número válido

Sugerencias para una superficie de 900 pies cuadrados

Los números que se muestran representan la cantidad total recomendada de unidades requeridas para un solo producto.
384 in² mínimas de área neta libre de escape que se necesitan en o cerca del caballete.
384 in² mínimas de área neta libre de entrada que se necesitan en o cerca del sofito.

Ten en cuenta:

Algunos códigos de construcción locales exigen la regla de ventilación para ático 1/150, que incrementa el mínimo de ventilación para ático necesario. Siempre consulta los códigos de construcción locales para conocer los detalles de los requisitos de ventilación de tu área.
Nota: N/R = no recomendado

Ventilación de escape

Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
Cobra® RidgeRunner® 31'
Rigid Vent 3 Cobra® 22'
Cobra® SnowCountry® 22'
Cobra® SnowCountry® Advanced 22'
Ventilación de limatesa Cobra® 43'
Ventilación de caballete TruSlate® 43'


Cobra® RidgeRunner®

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Rigid Vent 3 Cobra®

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Cobra® SnowCountry®

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Cobra® SnowCountry® Advanced

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Ventilación de limatesa Cobra®

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Ventilación de caballete TruSlate®

Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
Respiradero de escape Cobra® - Clavado manual 31'
Respiradero de escape Cobra® - Clavado con pistola 22'


Respiradero de escape Cobra® - Clavado manual

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Respiradero de escape Cobra® - Clavado con pistola

Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
AR10 31'



Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Cantidad requerida
Cuadrado plástico RT65 - Superficie 31
Inclinación plástica IR61 - Negro 31
Uso general de metal R50/RV50 31
Inclinación plástica IR65 - Negro 31
Inclinación de metal SSB960 - Negro 31
Ventilación para domo de alta capacidad HCD144 31


Cuadrado plástico RT65 - Superficie

Cantidad requerida



Inclinación plástica IR61 - Negro

Cantidad requerida



Uso general de metal R50/RV50

Cantidad requerida



Inclinación plástica IR65 - Negro

Cantidad requerida



Inclinación de metal SSB960 - Negro

Cantidad requerida



Ventilación para domo de alta capacidad HCD144

Cantidad requerida


Ventilación de entrada

Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
Cobra IntakePro® 31'


Cobra IntakePro®

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Respiradero de imposta Cobra® (rollo de malla) 1"

Se necesitan los pies lineales



Respiradero de imposta Cobra® (rollo de malla) 1.5"

Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Cantidad requerida
Ventilaciones de sofito continuas de metal LSV8 (pies lineales) 31'
Ventilaciones plásticas de sofito EAP 4x12 31
Ventilaciones de metal de sofito EAC 16x4 31
Ventilaciones de metal de sofito EAC 16x8 31
Respiraderos de sofito con cierre EmberShield® 31


Respiraderos de sofito continuos de metal LSV8

Cantidad requerida



Ventilaciones plásticas de sofito EAP 4x12

Cantidad requerida



Ventilaciones de metal de sofito EAC 16x4

Cantidad requerida



Ventilaciones de metal de sofito EAC 16x8

Cantidad requerida



Respiraderos de sofito con cierre EmberShield®

Cantidad requerida


Ventilación de entrada o escape

Nota: las rejillas para techos a dos aguas normalmente se instalan en pares

Producto Cantidad requerida
DA 12x12 31
DA 12x18 31
DA 14x24 31
DA 18x24 31
DA 24x30 31


DA 12x12

Cantidad requerida



DA 12x18

Cantidad requerida



DA 14x24

Cantidad requerida



DA 18x24

Cantidad requerida



DA 24x30

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
SL 8x8 31
SL 12x12 31
SL 12x18 31
SL 18x24 31


SL 8x8

Cantidad requerida



SL 12x12

Cantidad requerida



SL 12x18

Cantidad requerida



SL 14x24

Cantidad requerida



SL 18x24

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
RLSC 2" 31
RLSC 3" 31
RLSC 4" 31



Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida


Ventilación de escape

Producto Cantidad requerida
ERV4 31
ERV5 & Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22
ERV6 22
EZ Cool EZCR1 22



Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 31
EGV6 22
EZ Cool EZCG1 22



Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
Techo solar y con alimentación dual (ERVSOLAR / ERVHYBRID) 31
Techo a dos aguas solar (PGSOLAR) 22
Techo solar de alta potencia y con alimentación dual (PRSOLAR2 / PRHYBRID2) 22


Techo solar y con alimentación dual (ERVSOLAR / ERVHYBRID)

Cantidad requerida



Techo a dos aguas solar (PGSOLAR)

Cantidad requerida



Techo solar de alta potencia y con alimentación dual (PRSOLAR2 / PRHYBRID2)

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
12" 31
14" 22



Cantidad requerida




Cantidad requerida


Ventilación de entrada

Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
con ERV4 31'
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22'
con ERV6 31'
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31'
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22'
con EGV6 31'
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31'
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22'
con techo solar a dos aguas 22'
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22'
con turbina de viento de 12" 22'
con turbina de viento de 14" 22'


con ERV4

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con ERV6

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EZ Cool EZCR1

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EGV6

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EZ Cool EZCG1

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar a dos aguas

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con turbina de viento de 12"

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con turbina de viento de 14"

Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Se necesitan los pies lineales
con ERV4 31'
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22'
con ERV6 31'
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31'
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22'
con EGV6 31'
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31'
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22'
con techo solar a dos aguas 22'
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22'
con turbina de viento de 12" 22'
con turbina de viento de 14" 22'


con ERV4

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con ERV6

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EZ Cool EZCR1

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EGV6

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con EZ Cool EZCG1

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar a dos aguas

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con turbina de viento de 12"

Se necesitan los pies lineales



con turbina de viento de 14"

Se necesitan los pies lineales


Producto Cantidad requerida
con ERV4 31
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22
con ERV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22
con EGV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22
con techo solar a dos aguas 22
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22
con turbina de viento de 12" 22
con turbina de viento de 14" 22


con ERV4

Cantidad requerida



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con ERV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCR1

Cantidad requerida



con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con EGV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCG1

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar a dos aguas

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 12"

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 14"

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
con ERV4 31
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22
con ERV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22
con EGV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22
con techo solar a dos aguas 22
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22
con turbina de viento de 12" 22
con turbina de viento de 14" 22


con ERV4

Cantidad requerida



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con ERV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCR1

Cantidad requerida



con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con EGV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCG1

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar a dos aguas

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 12"

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 14"

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
con ERV4 31
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22
con ERV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22
con EGV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22
con techo solar a dos aguas 22
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22
con turbina de viento de 12" 22
con turbina de viento de 14" 22


con ERV4

Cantidad requerida



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Cantidad requerida


con ERV6

Cantidad requerida


con EZ Cool EZCR1

Cantidad requerida


con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Cantidad requerida


con EZ Cool EZCG1

Cantidad requerida


con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida


con techo solar a dos aguas

Cantidad requerida


con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida


con turbina de viento de 12"

Cantidad requerida


con turbina de viento de 14"

Cantidad requerida


Producto Cantidad requerida
con ERV4 31
con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT 22
con ERV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCR1 31
con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT 22
con EGV6 31
con EZ Cool EZCG1 31
con techo solar y con alimentación dual 22
con techo solar a dos aguas 22
con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual 22
con turbina de viento de 12" 22
con turbina de viento de 14" 22


con ERV4

Cantidad requerida



con ERV5 y Wi-Fi ERV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con ERV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCR1

Cantidad requerida



con EGV5 & Wi-Fi EGV5QCT

Cantidad requerida



con EGV6

Cantidad requerida



con EZ Cool EZCG1

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar y con alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar a dos aguas

Cantidad requerida



con techo solar de alta potencia y alimentación dual

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 12"

Cantidad requerida



con turbina de viento de 14"

Cantidad requerida


Diagram of intake and exhaust ventilation

La regla de ventilación equilibrada para ático de 1/300

Para que el ático tenga una ventilación adecuada tiene que haber un equilibrio entre entrada de aire (en o cerca de tus sofitos) y salida de aire (en o cerca del caballete del techo). Las autoridades de la Administración Federal de Vivienda de Estados Unidos recomiendan un mínimo de al menos 1 pies cuadrados de ventilación para ático (separada equitativamente entre la entrada y la salida) por cada 300 pies cuadrados de espacio de piso en el ático. Siempre se debe tener un sistema de ventilación equilibrada. En ningún caso la ventilación de escape debe exceder la ventilación de entrada.
*Nota: La regla 1/300 es una regla general y no se aplica a todas las situaciones. Prevalecen los códigos de construcción local, cuando son más estrictos. Consulta siempre con un diseñador profesional para cielo rasos estilo catedral, plataformas base con aislante, etc.
Examples of static, power, and mechanical attic vents

Conoce las opciones de respiradero para ático

¿Estás confundido acerca de la cantidad de soluciones de ventilación para ático disponibles? ¿Tienes curiosidad acerca de porqué un techo debe llevar ventilación de caballete y otro debe incorporar respiradero eléctrico o rejilla para techos? En este video verás una excelente introducción al arte y la ciencia de elegir los componentes de ventilación para ático adecuados para tu techo.

Respuestas para tus principales preguntas sobre ventilación para ático

Image showing why you should use attic ventilation

Cómo ventilar un ático: cómo funciona la ventilación para ático | GAF Roofing

¿Qué es la ventilación para ático? Conoce cómo se ventilan los áticos.
How to Select Products for Your Attic Ventilation System

Cómo seleccionar productos para tu sistema de ventilación para ático | GAF Roofing

Determina qué productos de ventilación son mejores para tu proyecto de techado.
video for how to plan a balanced attic ventilation system

Cómo planificar un sistema equilibrado de ventilación para ático | GAF Roofing Materials

En este video, aprenderás cómo calcular un sistema equilibrado de ventilación para ático.
Home with ventilation arrows

Cómo evitar los errores más comunes de instalación de ventilación para ático | GAF Roofing

Al planificar e instalar un sistema equilibrado de ventilación para ático, es importante comprender estos errores comunes que pueden reducir la efectividad del sistema y evitarlos.

Artículos relacionados

GAF team members under a tent at the Burgaw Blueberry Festival.
Residential Roofing

GAF Ventilation Products: Made by a Dedicated Plant with a Team of Experts

As a roofing contractor, you understand the importance of proper ventilation. Without adequate airflow, a home faces an increased risk of developing heat and moisture damage, mold, and ice dams in the winter. All of these risks can hinder the roof's performance by causing premature deterioration.Ventilation products allow a home's attic to intake fresh air and provide a way for hot, moist air to escape—an essential function for the roofing system's optimal performance.Achieving balanced airflow for a home means choosing the right ventilation products. Not every ventilation solution works for every home, so it's important to select the right vent for the roof style. Quality and performance matter too, which is why there is no better team than the dedicated people who work hard each day to manufacture the full line of Master Flow™ attic ventilation products and rooftop accessories in the tiny town of Burgaw, North Carolina.Meet the Burgaw Manufacturing Plant FamilyBurgaw was established in 1879 as a railroad town and is known for it's small-town charm that is filled with friendly faces and families that have deep roots in the community. The town is known for it's annual Blueberry Festival that draws thousands to the area to celebrate the blueberries that are grown in the surrounding counties. But for those who live there year-round, they know it as the home to GAF's manufacturing facility, which provides career opportunities and a livelihood for many of the town's residents. In fact, GAF employs 250 people in this town of just 3,000 residents, making it a significant contributor to the local economy and community.One of those Burgaw GAF family members is Steve Boehling, General Manager at Burgaw GAF, who explains that the company has been manufacturing ventilation products there since the early 1990s. Over the years, the team has produced thousands of premium GAF products, and the plant has become a pillar of the surrounding community."The plant was built in 1994, and GAF purchased the facility in 1998," Boehling says. "It's a large facility, about 400,000 square feet, and employs around 250 people." In a town with a population of only a little over 3,000, it's made quite an impact on locals' lives.Boehling describes the plant as "one big GAF family" with people who have spent their entire careers there. "We are very involved in this community. We have employees that have worked at that facility since it was first opened, which says a lot about the type of culture we have created," he explained. "You don't do that with companies you don't like. People are building their lives here."Todd Christiansen, Vice President of Sales for Master Flow™ at GAF, echoes this sentiment: "As one of the leaders of the GAF Burgaw manufacturing facility, we take pride in the positive impact we create every day - not just in the products we manufacture and deliver to the market but in the livelihoods we support and the local communities we strengthen."GAF Master Flow™ Solutions: Made with Pride and PrecisionThe GAF plant in Burgaw manufactures all the company's Master Flow™ solutions, including power vents and rooftop accessories like the Pivot™ Pipe Boot Flashing. This product's all-metal design is aesthetically appealing and delivers superior protection; it can withstand 110 mph wind-driven rain and has UL2218 Class 4 impact resistance. Christiansen explains the plant also produces Master Flow™ Versa Caps, which are ideal for chimney flues and hot stacks.These Master Flow™ ventilation solutions are manufactured with precision by the skilled craftspeople at the plant who call the small town of Burgaw home. Many members of the team have spent their entire careers there and they take pride in the contribution that their town is making to help protect what matters most. The production team understands the importance of ventilation in roofing systems and its members are excited to talk about the products that they produce, especially when they see that they are helping contractors find the right ventilation solutions for their customers.Among all the products manufactured at the Burgaw plant, one of the most popular among roofing professionals is the Master Flow™ SSB960 Super Slant-Back Roof Louver. The vent allows heat and moisture to escape the attic and works well on roofs with limited ridge lines. Its slant-back design protects against strong weather, and it comes in various colors to complement the chosen roof shingles. "The super slant-back is our most popular louver in the contractor world," Christiansen says. "It gives you 60 square inches of NFA, or net free area, which is about 20% more than other brands. It provides a good solution for anybody looking to ventilate through the natural flow of the air."Those looking for powered ventilation solutions can count on the Master Flow™ Power Attic Vents ERV Series. Christiansen explains that a focus on quality components and safety differentiates this product line from competitors' offerings. "We use an upgraded motor for all our units, not just the high-end ones," he notes. "We also have safety-related assurances, including hemming the dome of our unit so if somebody picks it up by the dome, it won't be as sharp on the edges."In addition, Christiansen points out that the ERV Series vents use a higher-quality bracketing system than other models on the market, a nod to the Burgaw team's commitment to delivering the highest-quality products. GAF also recently enhanced its powered ventilation line by launching models such as the Master Flow EZ Cool™ vent that can be plugged into a standard 110-volt outlet, eliminating the need for an electrician to be onsite during the installation.Experiencing the Master Flow™ DifferenceBeyond superior performance and quality, one of the things that makes Master Flow™ stand out is that the products are eligible for coverage under GAF residential enhanced warranties."When you look at putting on a full roofing system, you want to have all the components coming from the same manufacturer," Christiansen says. "It gives you a lot of peace of mind as a homeowner to only have to make one phone call."By manufacturing its own line of ventilation solutions, GAF has control over the quality, performance, and customer service that comes with the products. But it wouldn't be possible without the talented and highly skilled team in Burgaw that stands behind the production of each of these solutions.Curious to see the full line of products they make at the North Carolina plant? Explore the GAF rooftop accessories page to learn more.

By Authors Karen L Edwards

November 26, 2024

A roofer installs GAF's Cobra SnowCountry Advanced Premium Exhaust Vent on a Roof Ridge
Residential Roofing

The Role of Roofing Codes and Standards in Roof Venting Product Development

When developing a new roofing product, it's important to ensure it meets the local roofing codes and requirements in multiple jurisdictions. These standards are often regionally similar, but some may require additional testing or the use of certain raw materials. The product development team at GAF works hard to ensure products meet some of the strictest codes, so they can provide years of protection no matter where they're installed.Jeremiah Hershberger, GAF product manager of residential accessories, recently discussed the role codes and standards play in residential roofing product development, specifically concerning roof vent code requirements.Why Are Product Codes and Standards Important?The main purpose of building codes and standards is to maintain public health, safety, and welfare in all structures. They do this by ensuring that buildings are constructed in such a way as to minimize potential hazards, like fire, structural failure, or storm damage.Building codes exist to improve the safety and livability of buildings. They set minimum requirements for the materials and systems installed, as well as their installation methods. In the US, building codes are upheld and enforced by state, county, and city governments through the permitting and inspection processes.Standards also provide minimum design and performance metrics for products and systems. However, unlike local building codes, they are often universally upheld (nationally or worldwide). Organizations like ASTM International and the National Fire Protection Association are responsible for creating, updating, and communicating these standards. Local building codes often use these standards to set minimums for product and installation quality.How Do Roofing Codes and Standards Affect Product Development?"The goal of product development at GAF is to provide enhanced value for our customers and contractors," Hershberger explains. Ultimately, customers need to be confident in the performance of GAF products and building codes and standards provide a minimum threshold for product performance. Accordingly, they must be taken into consideration when designing products.Codes are prescriptive performance requirements for buildings. They include both the materials used to construct the building and how they're installed. All products used in a particular building must meet the local code requirements for that county or city.Standards are used as bases of comparison. Types of standards include:Testing standards that define methods and minimum acceptable resultsRating standards that provide a way to fairly compare productsDesign standards that set the criteria for specific roof system designsWhen products are developed for use in many geographic areas, they must meet several locations' requirements. For instance, when developing a new off-ridge ventilation product, GAF considers not only how much net free area (NFA) the unit will have, but also the performance characteristics required to meet Florida Building Code, Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), and Miami-Dade standards so the product can be used in areas that adhere to those codes.Why Does GAF Pay Attention to Codes and Requirements?"We want our customers to be confident in the performance of our products not based solely on our word but also on the basis of third-party standards that level set the industry," notes Hershberger. "Codes and testing requirements provide customers with that outside assurance that our products will hold up to the environmental rigors of a specific region or location."For example, TAS-100(A) tests a product's performance in wind-driven rain. The test provides information on how well a ventilation product will perform in such an environment and helps the product development team learn how likely it is that a ventilation product might leak, so we can then mitigate that risk.How Do Codes Affect Product Quality?Codes may specify what raw materials can be used to make a product or how it will perform in certain standardized tests. For instance, ASTM E108 or ANSI/UL790 Class A roofing fire ratings require a high degree of fire protection to the roof deck, which directly affect the materials used to produce these products. Similarly, the UL 2218 Class 4 impact test or the ASTM E330 Uplift Pressure Test show how a product performs under naturally occurring forces (e.g., hail or wind)"GAF strives to find the balance between performance, strength, and ease of installation (or handleability)," Hershberger says. "This often leads us to develop products that use higher grade materials (better performance over time), are simpler to manufacture with fewer points of potential failure, and are easier to install correctly (ensuring repeatability)."How Codes Affect the Development of High-Quality Roof VentsCreating high-quality roof vents and rooftop accessories didn't occur by accident. The GAF development team focuses on roofing codes and requirements through an intentional design process to drive innovation. From product ideation to design, development, and launch, the team ensures products meet or exceed several codes and standards, including:Florida Building CodeSets minimum performance standards for roof construction, such as wind resistance, fire performance, and roof ventilation requirements. Products must be approved by the state before being installed.Miami-Dade CountyThis county in Florida has some of the strictest building codes in the country due to its classification as a High-Velocity Hurricane Zone. Products used there must also be approved by the county as meeting not only Florida Building Code, but the stricter county requirements.Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)Regulates insurance companies and the insurance/claims process in the state of Texas. Roofing products are evaluated based on TDI-adopted building specifications regarding products used and installation methods.Other tests performed to ensure product performance include:TAS-100(A). Determines the water infiltration resistance of a ridge area ventilation system (ridge vents, static vents, turbines, or powered vents).Simulated snow/ice dam. Ice dams can form when a roof is not properly ventilated, leading to snow melting and refreezing along the lower edge of the roof.UL2218 Class 4 impact test. The UL2218 test is a steel ball drop test that evaluates the impact resistance of roof coverings. Class 4 products are shown to withstand the 20-ft drop of a 2-inch diameter steel ball without cracking through significant damage.Ensuring Roofing Products Are Up to the TaskThe product team at GAF routinely performs these tests to ensure roofing materials meet local roofing code requirements. The company then makes the results publicly available, helping customers nationwide rest assured that they can rely on GAF roofing products to perform as expected.For more information on the GAF ventilation products that meet or exceed code requirements, explore the ridge and off-ridge ventilation offerings.

By Authors Dawn Killough

August 15, 2024

Jeremy Simpson at the 2024 GAF Summit
Residential Roofing

A Day at the GAF Summit with Jeremy Simpson

Protecting what matters most includes promoting the career growth of roofing industry professionals like you. That's why GAF offers a wide range of learning opportunities, including CARE courses, online training, in-person training, and roofing summits and expos.Recently, third generation roofer, Jeremy Simpson of Simpson Roofing Company, spent a day at the GAF Northeast Roofing Summit and Expo to learn more about the latest updates in the residential roofing industry. While the majority of the work the Simpson Roofing Company does is commercial, they are always looking for ways to expand their knowledge by learning about innovative ideas, new products, new software, and new technology in the residential space.Simpson attended breakout sessions on topics including Principles of Ventilation, AI in CRM, and Sales. "I love coming to these GAF summits, because they really line up all the pertinent info for your business to succeed" says Simpson, "I promise you it's worth its weight in gold!"To learn more about on demand, hands-on, and in-person training opportunities through GAF, visit our CARE Contractor Training Center.Video TranscriptMy name is Jeremy Simpson from Simpson Roofing Company. We are out of Vernon, New Jersey, and Patterson, New Jersey, two locations. Today, I'm here at the GAF Summit, and I'm looking to just learn new things. We are a third-generation roofing company. We predominantly do commercial, but all throughout the years, we've done residential. That's why we're here today at this event. We're trying to get updated on the new stuff that's coming out, specifically from GAF. Innovative ideas, new products, new software, new tech. So follow me along today as we explore the GAF summit.[00:00:45]Today, we're going into the principles of ventilation. Designs change, architecture changes, and you need new ways of ventilating. And I don't know all of them. So I want to get some info and see what GAF has to offer as far as new products and new thoughts on how to move the air around. So we just got out of our first breakout session about ventilation. A lot of math, a lot of numbers going into the calculations of moving air around in your attic space to have a really good performed roof system. I didn't know all those details. Now I know, got to use it going forward from there.[00:01:19]I just got out of the AI CRM breakout session there. A little bit of an information overload, and that was a good thing because it really showed me how much I was missing the CRM and AI, it's the future. It's coming.[00:01:37]So I just got out of the third and final breakout of today's GAF Summit, and it was about sales, and it was very interesting to see the different dynamics that take place in the residential market when you're dealing with a homeowner versus something commercial, where oftentimes you don't even get to see who you're selling to. So to find out those little intricacies inside that process was super insightful. The best part of today was everything. I love coming to these GAF summits because they really line up all pertinent information for your business to succeed.[00:02:11]Thank you so much for tagging along today. It was super fun for me. I hope you got a little bit out of it as well. And if you ever find a time to come out to one of these GAF summits, I promise you it's worth its weight in gold.

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July 15, 2024