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El mantenimiento del techo es clave en la preparación para tormentas

By Annie Crawford

07 de julio de 2022

A roof contractor wearing a safety vest and hard hat inspects roof shingles from a ladder.

La temporada de tormentas puede durar todo el año, lo que significa que los techos deben ser lo suficientemente resistentes como para proteger a las familias y los hogares de los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos. Programar inspecciones de techos profesionales regulares y mantenimiento de techos puede ayudar a mantener tu techo listo para enfrentar las tormentas.

Learn what professional roof inspections entail, what roof care homeowners may be able to DIY, and how preventive maintenance can help.

How Roof Inspections Save Money

It's easy to wait for visible roof damage before scheduling an inspection. However, this approach could cost you more money in the long run. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association, roof system maintenance is the single most important factor (after proper installation) for determining the lifespan and cost of a roof system.

In other words, you can save on the cost of a roof replacement through small-scale investments in roof inspections and maintenance. These preventive measures resolve minor issues before they become expensive problems.

What Roof Inspectors Look For

It's easy enough to spot a leak from your ceiling or a tree branch lodged in your roof, but what about the subtle clues? Roofers are trained to recognize small signs of potential roof damage that can appear years before major trouble starts. Identifying potential issues is especially important if your home has to withstand harsh weather throughout the year. Here are three elements of a typical roof inspection:

  • Structural Inspection: Are the "bones" of your roof in good health? Pros will pinpoint any roof sagging, uneven roof planes, leaning exterior walls, and sagging interior ceiling or rafters. They'll also check your gutter system, fascia, soffits, chimneys, vents, and skylights for signs of damage.

  • Surface Inspection: What does your roof's surface have to say? Signs of possible problems can include mossy or moist areas, damaged or missing fasteners and flashing. The inspection should involve a thorough review of the shingles to ensure that none are missing, cracked, or curling.

  • Interior Inspection: Your home's interior can offer clues about your roof's condition. Roofing contractors will check for proper roof ventilation, sagging or stained ceilings, and other signs of moisture in the attic or interior walls.

After the Inspection

After the inspection, the roofing professional will report the details of the inspection along with any recommendations for repairs, either verbally or in writing. Scheduling repairs sooner is almost always better than later-roof issues only grow bigger (and more costly) over time.

Frequency of Inspections

Once a year is a good rule of thumb for roof inspections. That said, you may schedule more depending on your location and the number of storms your roof weathers each year. For example, even if your Florida coast home appears undamaged after a hurricane, a roof inspection might still be in order. Extreme winds and weather could let shingle lifting or small leaks go unnoticed without a professional inspection.

Safety is paramount, and leaving inspections to professionals prevents bodily injuries and/or accidental roof damage, as too much foot traffic could impact your shingles. If your roof is damaged from a storm, there are simple steps you can take to find a trustworthy contractor, initiate an insurance claim, and get your roof repair rolling.

How to Perform DIY Roof Maintenance

Even if you are not a licensed roof professional, you can still help maintain your roof between yearly inspections. Here are suggestions to keep your roof resilient:

  • Trim back trees that could damage the roof during a storm.

  • Remove leaves, snow, and debris to prevent moisture from collecting on the roof.

  • Schedule annual and post-storm inspections.

  • After weather events, visually inspect the roof safely from the ground.

  • Clear leaves and debris from the gutters.

Remember to only perform DIY roof upkeep if and when it's safe for you to do so!

How Roof Maintenance Can Help Insurance Claims

Keep copies of your roof inspections and roof maintenance records (both DIY and professionally provided). This might assist your insurance company in determining what damage was caused by the storm.

After a storm, a professional roof inspection is key before filing a roof insurance claim. Roofers are trained to identify issues that homeowners may not notice, helping to ensure your losses are accurately reported to your insurance company.

Need help finding a qualified roofing contractor for regular inspections or potential roof repairs? Find a GAF Factory-Certified Contractor* in your area.

*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Sus tratos con un Contratista, y cualquier servicio que le proporcionen, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del Contratista.

About the Author

Annie Crawford es una escritora independiente de Oakland, CA, que cubre temas sobre viajes, moda y mejoras del hogar. Encuentra más sobre su trabajo en

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Tejas GAF Reflector Series: las tejas reflectantes más oscuras del mercado

La línea más nueva de tejas asfálticas reflectantes diseñadas por GAF, Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series, puede brindarle a su hogar más protección contra la intemperie y un atractivo aspecto exterior.Las tejas para techado, disponibles en elegantes colores oscuros, crean una estética atractiva que puede usarse para cumplir con ciertos requisitos de códigos relacionados con la reflectancia. Esto es particularmente importante en California, donde los códigos edilicios estatales, como el Título 24, y las normativas locales, como el Código Edilicio Ecológico del condado de Los Ángeles, requieren una reflectancia específica en los techos para ayudar a conservar energía.A continuación le mostramos lo que debe saber sobre estas nuevas tejas reflectantes, incluida su tecnología exclusiva y el potencial para permitir ahorros en costos de energía.Características de las tejas Reflector SeriesLas tejas Timberline HDZ® RS tienen varios puntos fuertes que les permiten destacarse respecto de la competencia. Gracias a su diseño, las características de las tejas de techado mejoran la reflectancia y ofrecen protección adicional contra las algas y el viento.Gránulos EcoDark®Las tejas Timberline HDZ® RS cuentan con gránulos EcoDark®, una tecnología con una nueva fórmula que ofrece colores oscuros ricos y profundos sin perder reflectancia. Entre los colores disponibles se incluye carbón, que actualmente es el color más oscuro con alta reflectancia en California, y varias otras combinaciones, cada una con un aspecto completo y dimensional.Tecnología LayerLock®Las tejas asfálticas tradicionales tienen varias capas de material conectado con adhesivo o fijadores mecánicos. Con la tecnología GAF LayerLock®, las capas de tejas se fijan mecánicamente. Esto ofrece protección adicional contra el viento, que puede desprender las tejas del techo.Gracias a la tecnología, GAF puede afirmar que es pionero en otra cosa en la industria: ofrecer una garantía sin límite de viento máximo**.Cuatro beneficios de las tejas Reflector Series para propietariosLas tejas Timberline HDZ® RS le ofrecen varios beneficios.1. Cumplimiento de los códigos y reducción del costo de refrigeraciónEn California, las tejas RS pueden usarse para cumplir los requisitos de reflectancia solar de edificios residenciales altos, según se indica en el título 24, parte 6 del Código de Regulaciones de California de 2022 y el Código de Estándares Edilicios Ecológicos del condado de Los Ángeles. Ambos códigos fijan un índice de reflectancia mínima, denominado índice reflectivo solar (SRI, solar reflective index), que mide la capacidad de un material para reflejar el sol y la luz solar. Cuanto menor sea el valor de SRI (de 0 a 100), más caliente será un material bajo la luz solar. Cuanto mayor el valor, más frío será el material.Las tejas con un SRI más alto, como GAF Timberline HDZ® RS, reflejan más luz solar, ayudan a reducir la temperatura interna y la energía (y los costos) que se necesita para refrigerar su hogar.2. Colores oscuros y ricos que combinan con cualquier estilo o estéticaYa no tendrá que elegir entre colores oscuros, ricos y profundos, populares en la arquitectura moderna, y el cumplimiento de los requisitos de reflectancia. Además de ofrecer una opción en color carbón, el color de alta reflectancia más oscuro, los otros colores de la línea cuentan con mezclas de colores GAF High Definition® que le brindan a las tejas Reflector Series un aspecto dimensional similar a las tejas de madera.3. Protección contra algas verde-azuladasLas manchas de algas verde-azuladas, una cianobacteria llamada gloeocapsa magma, pueden reducir el valor de su hogar. Las tejas HDZ® RS incluyen la tecnología contra las algas GAF Time-Release, que utiliza cápsulas especialmente diseñadas impregnadas con miles de partículas de cobre. El cobre se libera de manera uniforme a lo largo del tiempo y evita el crecimiento de las algas durante muchos años. Gracias a esta tecnología, GAF ofrece una garantía limitada de protección contra las algas StainGuard Plus™ de 25 años*, que es especialmente beneficiosa en climas cálidos, húmedos y costeros como el de California.4. Garantía contra viento sin límite máximo de velocidad de vientoCuando se instala con la cantidad requerida de accesorios del sistema de techado GAF, la tecnología LayerLock® de las tejas Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series le permite a GAF ofrecer una garantía contra viento limitada WindProven™ de 15 años** sin límite máximo de velocidad de viento.Una opción elegante para los propietarios de CaliforniaSi vive en California, las tejas GAF Timberline HDZ® RS son una opción inteligente para cumplir los estrictos requisitos de reflectancia estatales y, al mismo tiempo, seguir el sentido estético y estilístico de la arquitectura moderna. Las características de las tejas le brindan protección adicional a su hogar y pueden reducir los costos de refrigeración, algo que puede suponer un ahorro para su bolsillo.¿Está listo para obtener estos beneficios en su techo? Comuníquese con el contratista de techado certificado por GAF*** más cercano para obtener más información.*La garantía limitada StainGuard Plus™ de 25 años contra decoloración provocada por algas verde-azuladas está disponible solo en productos vendidos en paquetes que incluyen el logotipo StainGuard Plus™. *La garantía limitada StainGuard Plus PRO™ de 30 años contra decoloración provocada por algas verde-azuladas está disponible solo en productos vendidos en paquetes que incluyen el logotipo StainGuard Plus PRO™. Consulte la Garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios GAF para conocer la cobertura y las restricciones completas.**La garantía limitada contra viento WindProven™ de 15 años en tejas Timberline® HDZ™ requiere el uso de fajas iniciales GAF, protección de cubierta de techo, cumbreras para tejas y barrera contra filtraciones o ventilación de áticos. Consulte la Garantía limitada del sistema de techado GAF para conocer la cobertura y las restricciones completas. Visite para conocer los productos GAP elegibles.***Los contratistas inscritos en programas de certificación GAF no son empleados ni agentes de GAF, que no controla ni supervisa de ningún otro modo estas empresas independientes. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos de recompensa de programas de lealtad y descuentos en herramientas de marketing de GAF, por participar en el programa y ofrecer garantías mejoradas de GAF, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Sus arreglos con un contratista, y todos los servicios que le pueda ofrecer, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista.

Autor: Dawn Killough

20 de diciembre de 2024

A house damaged by a fallen tree.
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Signs of Tree Damage to Your Roof and Prevention Strategies

If you have trees on your property, you're probably aware of their many benefits. They can boost your property's aesthetic appeal, create privacy, and provide shade to keep your home cooler. Trees can also protect your roof from ultraviolet rays and block wind, minimizing related damage.However, if trees aren't maintained, they can cause damage to your roof. Here are the signs to look for, what to do if a tree falls on your roof, and how to prevent tree damage to your roof in the future.How Nearby Trees Can Damage Your RoofYou're likely aware that the worst damage to a roof can occur when an entire tree falls on your home. This can happen during a severe storm or if an older tree is ill or damaged.However, one tree branch can cause plenty of structural damage, too. Even a small branch falling on or rubbing against your roof can scratch or dent its protective layers, especially if it's laden with snow or ice.And branches aren't the only culprits that can damage your roof. Fallen leaves, nuts, and needles from trees can accumulate, blocking your gutters and roof valleys. This creates an environment that absorbs moisture, leading to moss or mold growth-both of which can reduce your roof's lifespan. Ponding water from this debris can cause leaks over time.Overhanging branches can also create too much shade, exacerbating any moisture issues by making it challenging for your roof to dry. Additionally, branches that touch your roof create easy access for squirrels and other animals, potentially leading to intrusions and damaged roofing components.Signs of Roof DamageTo stop any issues from a tree over the roof from worsening, watch out for signs of roof damage. While a professional inspection can help pinpoint problems by taking a closer look at your roof, you can also perform an inspection from the ground.Look for any cracked, broken, scratched, or curled shingles. Also, note any missing shingles, especially after a windstorm. Check for moss, mold, or an accumulation of debris like leaves and needles. All of these issues can lead to leaks or larger problems down the road, such as structural damage.What to Do If a Tree Falls on Your RoofIf a large branch or entire tree has fallen and damaged your roof or siding, prioritize your safety. If you see any live wires, smell gas, or spot major water leaks, call your utility company right away to shut off your service. Evacuate everyone from your home, and call your insurance company. In most cases, the company will send a professional roofer to evaluate the damage.While you're waiting for the expert to arrive, document the damage by taking photos and video of any areas the fallen tree affected. Once the insurance company has approved your claim, hire a professional to remove the tree and repair the damage.While most homeowners insurance policies cover roof repairs from tree damage, your insurance company might deny your claim if it discovers you failed to do preventive maintenance.How to Prevent Tree Damage to Your RoofProactively addressing tree-related challenges can help you minimize potential roof damage, saving you time and money in the long run.Clear DebrisRemove leaves, twigs, needles, and nuts from your roof and gutters. Installing gutter guards can also help prevent debris from clogging them.Trim BranchesTrim any tree branches that are too close to your roof. Avoid having any part of a tree over the roof-there should be at least 6 feet between your roof and the tips of a tree's branches. If you can't safely trim branches yourself, hire a tree expert.Remove Dangerous TreesIf an arborist determines that more than one-quarter of a tree's limbs need pruning, you might have to cut down the tree before it can fall on your roof. Don't forget to check with local authorities regarding bylaws and protected tree species.Plant Trees at a Safe DistanceIf you're planting new trees, remember they'll grow large over time. So, select species appropriate for your property's size, and plant them about 20 to 30 feet away from your home.Prepare for the Next Storm with Expert HelpAs the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. Before another storm can threaten the health of your home's roof, take proactive measures to prevent as much damage as possible.For more information about preventing tree damage to your roof, check out GAF storm and hurricane roofing resources. To enlist professional help in repairing roof damage or installing a fortified roofing system, reach out to a GAF-certified roofing contractor* in your area.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Tus tratos con un contratista, y cualquier servicio que te proporcione, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista de GAF.

Por Wendy Helfenbaum

25 de noviembre de 2024

Hurricane Ian damaged house rooftop covered with protective plastic tarp against rain water leaking
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How to Detect and Address a Roof Leak: A Homeowner's Guide

If you think your home might have a leak in the roof, you're right to be concerned. A leak, if left unrepaired, can lead to many problems, from mold to water damage. Detecting the issue early-and figuring out what's causing it-can help limit the damage.So, here's how to tell whether you have a roof leak, the common causes, and what to do next.How to Detect a Roof LeakHere are a few signs you might have a leaking roof.StainingWater stains, which look like brownish or yellowish spots, on your walls, floors, or ceilings are signs you have a leak. A plumbing leak can also cause these stains, but finding them in the attic or near other roofing structures means water is likely coming from the roof.MoldMold grows in humid environments, and roof leaks can create the perfect conditions for this growth. If you see mold around the attic and insulation, you may have a leak or your attic may not have proper ventilation. Either way, it's an issue you'll want to address.SaggingSagging ceilings can indicate leaks and issues with your roof's structural integrity. If water has accumulated in the roof decking, the wooden materials can rot and become damaged, weakening them. As water collects, it can also cause these materials to grow heavier, leading to sagging ceilings. This is a safety hazard you'll want to fix as soon as possible.Common Causes of Roof LeaksYour roofing system might develop a leak for several reasons.Severe WeatherWeather-related damage is one of the major sources of roof leaks. Exposure to moisture from rainstorms can cause materials like shingles or flashing to deteriorate and eventually allow water to seep into the structure below. Sharp winds can lift or warp shingles, letting water enter the damaged area. Hail can crack shingles and flashing. Even temperature fluctuations can cause materials to become brittle and crack as they expand and contract with these changes.Faulty Roof WorkImproperly installing roofing materials can also lead to roof leaks. When shingles aren't aligned or securely attached to the roof, it creates small openings where water can pool. This can occur when nails aren't driven in all the way or not enough nails are used. That's why certain shingles like GAF Timberline HDZ® use patented LayerLock® Technology that helps your roofer achieve a 99.9% nailing accuracy. Since flashing protects the vulnerable parts of the roof, improper flashing installation can also cause problems.Additionally, many homeowners try to save money by making repairs themselves or hiring low-quality contractors who don't do the job correctly or use cheap materials. This can lead to further and more expensive repairs down the road.Simple Wear and TearWear and tear over time can also cause roof leaks. Roofing materials can deteriorate over the years due to harsh weather, ultraviolet rays, and roof movements.Animals and Tree BranchesLess common causes, which still pop up now and then, include damage from animals and tree branches. The heavy impact from tree branches can crack shingles, leaving room for openings. Small critters like rats and squirrels can chew through roofing material or burrow into it, creating openings for water to enter.Call A Professional to Repair LeaksIt isn't always easy to identify the main source of a leak yourself. So, as soon as you notice any signs of a leak, call a trusted roofing contractor. They can find the leak's source, install quality materials to fix it before further damage occurs, and prevent it from happening again. A contractor can also help determine whether you need a new roof entirely.How to Prevent Roof Leaks in the FutureWith regular maintenance, you can catch leaks before they occur and extend your roof's life.Schedule A Professional InspectionIt's recommended to get your roof professionally inspected at least twice a year. When a leak is in the first stages, you might not notice signs immediately. A contractor can detect these issues before they happen and repair any damaged areas, such as shingles or flashing. These proactive steps are often less expensive than, for example, replacing damaged insulation from water damage or replacing the roof decking due to rot.Inspect Your Attic and RoofIn addition to professional inspections, monitor your attic and roof to determine whether you need a roof repair. From your attic, look for any sunlight that might be entering. If light can get into your attic, that means water can too. If you have a leak, you might see small dark spots or smell mildew or mold.While you should avoid climbing on your roof (leave this to the professionals who have the proper safety equipment and training), you can inspect your roof from the ground. Look for missing or damaged shingles, holes, and damage to the gutters and flashing.Clean Your GuttersMake gutter cleaning part of your yearly maintenance, or hire someone to do it. When your gutters become clogged with debris, water has nowhere to go and will remain on the roof or make its way inside. Installing gutter guards can help reduce the need for gutter cleanup.Trim Tree BranchesTrimming the tree branches near your roof can further prevent leaves from clogging the gutters. This step can also prevent branches from scratching your shingles on windy days or falling on your roof, leading to cracks.Catch Leaks Early to Minimize DamageYour roof is one of your home's most important structures. So, as soon as you notice signs of a leak, contact a roofing contractor, and prevent future leaks with regular roof maintenance and inspections. By taking these steps, you can ensure your roof protects what matters most for years to come.Ready to hire a contractor to fix a leak or inspect your roof? Find a GAF-Certified Contractor* near you.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Tus tratos con un contratista, y cualquier servicio que te proporcione, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista de GAF.

Autor: Mark Soto​​​​​​​

15 de noviembre de 2024

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