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Timberline Ultra HDZ: Cómo se compara con otras tejas de GAF

By Wendy Helfenbaum

28 de marzo de 2023

GAF Timberline Ultra HDZ roof shingles on a blue home

The best roof shingles not only help protect your family's most important investment but also provide attractive curb appeal that can increase your home's value. GAF's new line of architectural shingles, Timberline® UHDZ™, Ultra High DefinitionTM Shingles improve upon their high-quality legacy products by combining the latest technology with an added beauty that delivers extended benefits for homeowners.

Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles Add Dimension

A step-up from the popular Timberline HDZ® Shingle, Timberline® UHDZ™ laminate shingles are a premium option for homeowners who want to bring extra beauty and depth to their property's silhouette. One way Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles achieve this is that they are about 20 percent thicker than Timberline HDZ® Shingles. Another is that they feature the patent-pending Dual Shadow Line effect, which lends an attractive shadowed dimensionality and texture—whatever the time of day. This makes the shingle stand out: The look of the shadow boldly pops when you look and its quality and appeal is visible both head-on and from the curb.

This type of shingle works well for multiple types of pitched roofs. On some mansard roofs or very steep slopes, the Dual Shadow Line provides substantial depth in areas that would otherwise be perceived as flat. And for roofs with lower slopes where the old roof appears one-dimensional, the Dual Shadow Line breaks up some of that color variation to create an attractive profile, along with the appearance of dramatic sunset shadows all day long, even on gloomy days.

The new Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles are available in a wide variety of colors—Charcoal, Pewter Gray, Slate, Weathered Wood, Shakewood, and Barkwood. Here's a look at how they fit into the range of GAF shingles:

Good: Natural Shadow

  • 10-Year StainGuard™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty1
  • Cobertura de garantía limitada por 15 años contra vientos de hasta 130 mph con instalación especial2 o de 110 mph sin instalación especial

Better: Timberline HDZ®

  • High Definition® Color Palette
  • ARK-THIS">Features LayerLock® Technology and the StrikeZone® Nailing Area for neat, accurate installation
  • Eligible for the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation when installed with the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessories3
  • Garantía limitada de protección contra las algas StainGuard Plus™ de 25 años1

Timberline HDZ

Timberline HDZ® Charcoal

Best: Timberline® UHDZ™

  • High Definition® Color Palette with patent-pending Dual Shadow Line (which gives the shingles a deeper, shadow effect for added dimensionality)
  • Features LayerLock® Technology and the StrikeZone® Nailing Area for neat, accurate installation
  • Eligible for the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty with no maximum wind speed installation when installed with the required combination of 4 qualifying GAF accessories3
  • 30-Year StainGuard Plus PRO™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty1 powered by 10% more time-release algae-fighting technology than Timberline HDZ®
  • GAF Master Elite® contractors* can offer 30 years of workmanship coverage when they install a qualifying GAF roofing system with Timberline® UHDZ™ shingles and register a Golden Pledge® Limited Warranty4.

Timberline Ultra HDZ

Timberline® UHDZ™ Pewter Gray

A Smart Investment for Your Home

In addition to their highly attractive look, the advanced technology of these new shingles bring a slew of benefits that make them a smart investment for your home. The additional 10% GAF Time-Release Algae-Fighting Technology in Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles over Timberline HDZ® means that they're the first shingles from GAF to offer the 30-year StainGuard Plus PRO™ limited warranty against blue-green algae discoloration1. They are also eligible for the WindProven Limited Wind Warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation when installed with the required combination of four qualifying GAF accessories3.

GAF Master Elite® contractors4 can offer 30 years of workmanship coverage when they install a qualifying GAF roofing system with Timberline® UHDZ™ shingles and register a Golden Pledge® Limited Warranty5.

Overall, Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles provide a premium, advanced shingle technology choice for homeowners that delivers strong warranties without sacrificing a beautiful and unique aesthetic. Learn more about the advantages of Timberline® UHDZ™ Shingles.

125-year StainGuard Plus™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty, 30-year StainGuard Plus™ PRO Algae Protection Limited Warranty and 10-year StainGuard Limited Warranty against blue-green algae discoloration is available only on products sold in packages bearing the StainGuard Plus™, StainGuard Plus™ PRO or StainGuard logo. Consulta la garantía limitada de GAF para tejas y accesorios, para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones.

2Special Installation requires use of 6 nails per shingle and GAF Starter Strip Products installed at the eaves and rakes. Consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF para conocer todos los detalles sobre la cobertura y las restricciones.

3La garantía limitada contra viento WindProven™ de 15 años en tejas de GAF con tecnología LayerLock™ requiere el uso de una hilada inicial de GAF, protección para cubierta de techo, tejas de caballete, y barrera contra goteras o ventilación para ático. Consulta la garantía limitada de GAF para el sistema de techo para ver todos los detalles de la cobertura y las restricciones. Visita para ver los productos elegibles de GAF. En el caso de instalaciones no elegibles para la garantía limitada contra viento WindProven, consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones.

4Los contratistas inscritos en los programas de certificación de GAF no son empleados ni agentes de GAF, y GAF no controla ni supervisa de otro modo estas empresas independientes. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF.

5 30-year misapplication coverage term applies only to single-family detached residences owned by individual(s). En el caso de todas las demás propiedades, el plazo de cobertura por aplicación incorrecta es de 25 años. Un sistema de techo de GAF elegible consta de tejas Timberline® UHDZ™ y 5 productos accesorios de GAF elegibles. Los productos accesorios de GAF elegibles incluyen: (1) tejas de caballete; (2) ventilación para ático; (3) tejas de hilada inicial; (4) protección para cubierta de techo; y (5) barrera contra goteras. Consulta la garantía limitada Golden Pledge® de GAF para conocer todos los detalles de la cobertura y las restricciones. Visita para ver los productos elegibles de GAF.

Acerca del autor

Wendy Helfenbaum es una periodista, redactora de marketing de contenidos y productora de televisión de Montreal que aborda los temas de diseño, arquitectura, propiedades inmobiliarias, jardinería y viajes para muchas publicaciones y marcas, tales como Country Gardens, Metropolis Magazine,, Marriott Traveler, Costco Connection, Toll Brothers, PBS y muchas más. A Wendy le encanta estar al día con las tendencias de diseño actuales y es fanática de los reality shows de bricolaje para mejoras del hogar. Síguela en @WendyHelfenbaum.

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