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Everything You Need to Know to Make a Disaster Preparedness Kit

By Karen L Edwards

April 07, 2023

A man picking up gallons of water in a grocery store

Having a disaster preparedness kit is a key part of being ready for the unexpected. As explained in a recent article on the best practices for disaster preparedness, making a preparedness kit is one of the best things you can do to mitigate the risk of a natural disaster or storm.

Here, we'll take a deeper dive into building your own emergency preparedness kit.

What Is a Disaster Preparedness Kit?

The American Red Cross describes disaster preparedness as "being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster." They recommend having enough supplies on hand to sustain your household for a few days if you are evacuating or up to two weeks if you are staying in your home.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in a news release that a disaster supply kit is a "collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency." They recommend having enough food, water, and supplies to last at least 72 hours.

Essential Items to Include in Your Kit

What, exactly, goes into a preparedness kit? Here are some essentials to include:

  • Food and water. Food and water are clearly essential items for your kit, and knowing how much to include is important. Both FEMA and the Red Cross recommend one gallon of water for each member of your family per day. For example, a two-person family would need six gallons of water for a three-day supply. Remember that in addition to drinking, the water will potentially need to be used for sanitizing or sponge bathing. You also want to be sure to include at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food for each person that may include canned meats, soups, cereal, granola bars, and other easy-to-eat items. Include food for your pets if you have them. Be sure to also include a manual can opener, plastic utensils, and paper plates or bowls. If you have an infant, include formula and a baby bottle or baby food.
  • First aid kit. You can either assemble your own first aid kit or purchase pre-made ones from the Red Cross or a retailer near you. Essential kit items include bandages, gauze, first aid tape, hand sanitizer, latex gloves, scissors, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream, and pain relievers.
  • Communication devices. Include a battery-powered or hand crank radio so you can get updates from local authorities and news outlets. Consider including a solar charger for your smartphones in case power is out for a long period of time. If the power does go out, you'll want a flashlight to not only see, but to signal for help in the dark. A whistle is also a handy tool for signaling your location.
  • Sheltering items. Rain ponchos, tarps, duct tape, and extra blankets can come in handy for your family should your home experience damage. Include extra plastic bags and ties for personal sanitation in case plumbing is not working. Think about what personal hygiene items are needed such as feminine products or diapers.
  • Your unique family needs. Have a checklist of items you use on a regular basis such as prescription medications and glasses. If you have young children, consider adding games or books to help keep them occupied. Make photocopies of important paperwork such as insurance documents, healthcare cards, and bank account information to keep in the kit. Consider having some cash on hand as well.

FEMA recommends reviewing their checklist of items to be sure you are fully prepared in the event of a disaster.

Storing Your Disaster Preparedness Kit

You'll want to be sure your emergency supplies are inside watertight plastic bags and contained in something that is easy to carry in case you need to evacuate. A large suitcase, a couple of duffel bags, or even plastic totes would work for storing the items you need for your family's survival.

Think carefully about where to store the kit in your home. You don't want to put it into a hot attic where items could be damaged or spoiled due to the extreme temperatures. You also don't want to put it in a hard-to-reach, out-of-the-way basement or back of a closet. It needs to be easily accessible in case you need to leave your home quickly.

Lastly, it's important to keep your kit fresh. You'll want to check it on an annual basis, replacing items that may have expired or are close to expiring. Review your family's situation each year as well, as you may no longer need certain items such as diapers or pet food.

No matter the disaster, having a preparedness kit can make all the difference in keeping you and your family safe.

About the Author

Karen L. Edwards is a freelance writer for the construction industry and has a passion for roofing, having worked in the industry for 20 years.

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Roof Raiser: Trevor Leeds, Elevating the Roofing Industry

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He experienced GAF-certified contractors'* support through his previous company and knew the organization's vision and innovation would be key to building the business.Enhancing Roofing Professionalism and SafetyTrevor is passionate about the roofing industry and believes everyone—from manufacturers and distributors to the contractors performing the installations—should work together to create a professional and positive customer experience. Even more importantly, Trevor advocates for the industry's employees and their experiences; safety is an area he wants more people to consider."We need to be making sure that we are taking care of employee safety," Trevor says. "Everyone should be focused on that. Everyone should be concerned about their employees going home safe and sound every single night. When an accident happens in the industry, it's devastating to the business owner and the individual, but it impacts the industry too. We all feel that in some form or fashion."Guiding the Next Generation through GAF Roofing AcademyTrevor's concern for employees and the industry's future led to his involvement in the GAF Roofing Academy. While he didn't have an immediate need for labor in his business, he recognized that taking action now could contribute to building a pipeline of skilled workers that would benefit the roofing industry as a whole.Trevor observed the pool of talent and skilled workers dwindling during his time in roofing. "You have the baby boomer generation that is retiring and a younger generation that wants to get into tech and doesn't want to get into the trades," he notes. "We've got to be able to hire and attract young talent back into the industry or we're all going to suffer."Training Students at the SoCal Roofing AcademyTrevor first learned about the GAF Roofing Academy at a regional conference and stepped up to assist. His company was involved in the first SoCal Roofing Academy, which had three tracks: residential roofing, commercial roofing, and sales training. BYLTup hosted the training's residential portion, and Trevor was impressed by the students' interest and engagement."I was blown away at how engaged they were. GAF had certainly done a very good job screening and prepping these individuals coming in, but they were green," he says. "The trainer was fantastic. The students were shingling after three days."Once the groups completed the tracks, they were brought back together for their graduation ceremony, which was a life-changing experience for many. "I realized that many of these people had probably never been recognized like this before," Trevor says. "They were very proud, holding their certificates and sending photos to their families."Making an Unexpected Hire at BYLTupJust before hosting the SoCal Roofing Academy, GAF Roofing Academy Operations Manager Erick Osuna reached out to Trevor and shared recent graduate Jose Navarro's resume. Jose had completed the commercial roofing training program and stood out to Erick, so he connected with Trevor about possibly hiring him."At that time, I wasn't looking for someone on the commercial roofing side. We weren't really expanding that crew, but we were looking for a production role," Trevor shares. "Long story short, we loved him. He was going to be a great fit for the company, and we hired him as our assistant production manager."Jose excelled on the job. BYLTup quickly moved him into a full production manager role, hiring an assistant to work with him. Trevor says Jose was a great hire. "He's young, he's hungry, he wants to learn. I've never seen another individual in the industry that just wants to learn roofing, and he's a sponge."Committing to Supporting GAF Roofing AcademyTrevor has seen the caliber of students attending and graduating from the GAF Roofing Academy, inspiring his commitment to support ongoing trainings. "I was pleasantly surprised at the overall outcome of the [Roofing Academy] event," he notes. "It encouraged me to the point that I said, 'I want to do this, whether we benefit from it or not, I want to support this at least twice a year, and we want to get more contractors involved in it.'"Want to get involved in supporting the future of the roofing industry? Learn how to participate in a future Roofing Academy and discover the training opportunities available to your team through GAF CARE.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the Contractor Terms of Use. Visit for details.

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