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¿Pueden los diques de hielo dañar el techo?

By Dawn Killough

15 de febrero de 2022

Heavy buildup of ice along the edge of a residential roofline.

As winter blows in, bringing cold temperatures and icy precipitation, heavy snows and uneven temperatures on your roof can cause ice dams. ¿Pueden los diques de hielo dañar el techo? La respuesta es sí. Pueden dañar las tejas, el sistema de canaleta, el aislante del ático y la pared de yeso. Si no se los trata, los diques de hielo pueden también causar moho y crecimiento de moho. Estudiaremos cómo se forman los diques de hielo, el daño que provocan y cómo prevenirlos.

How Ice Dams Form

Ice dams are caused by accumulated snow and uneven roof temperatures. During winter, when the upper area of a roof is warmer than the lower edge, nearest the eave or overhang, snow begins to melt and run down the roof slope. Once it reaches the colder roof edge, it refreezes, creating a block of ice called an ice dam. An ice dam prevents snowmelt from draining, causing water to pool on the roof which can eventually back-up under you shingles or cause damage to your roofing system and home's interior.

Uneven roof heating can be caused by inadequate attic ventilation or insulation. Heat from the living space below escapes through the ceiling into the attic, warming the roof surface and melting snow in patches, even if outdoor conditions keep the rest of it below freezing. Proper attic ventilation and insulation will help keep your roof uniformly cool, helping to prevent ice dams.

How Ice Dams Affect a Roof

Once an ice dam has formed, it can cause significant damage to your home if not removed. As water pools at the lower edge of the roof, it can begin to back up under the shingles. Once water is under the shingles, it can soak into the sheathing and roof deck.

If an ice dam breaks free and falls off the roof, it can damage both the gutter system and the shingles at the edge of the roof as well as any items, landscaping, or people around the area under it. Even if it doesn't come loose, the weight of an ice dam can cause gutters and downspouts to bend or warp.

After soaking into the roof deck, water can continue its journey into the attic insulation. Wet insulation doesn't perform as well as dry, and it provides a way for water to get into the drywall in the living area. If that happens, the leak may finally become noticeable to the homeowner. But if unknown or left untreated, the leak can cause warped drywall, uneven floors, and rotten wood.

If the damp area is not dried out properly, it can also lead to the right conditions for mildew or mold to grow in the attic or even the living area. Mold and mildew can cause respiratory issues for those with allergies or sensitivities. If ice dams have caused mold or mildew to creep into your home, you should have a professional address it during the repair process.

Preventing Ice Dams

Ice dams can be prevented with winter maintenance, snow removal, proper attic ventilation and insulation.

Before winter weather arrives, have your roof properly inspected by a professional roofing contractor*. They can tell you what maintenance needs to be completed and inspect your attic for proper installation and ventilation. They can also provide specific recommendations to help you prevent ice dam damage to your home.

The answer to "can ice dams cause roof damage" is a resounding yes. Left untreated, ice dams can cause significant damage to your roof, shingles, and attic spaces. It's important to take steps to prevent ice dams from forming as well as remove snow from the edges of your roof. A professional contractor can help you determine what steps you need to take to prevent ice dams and the damage they can cause.

*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Sus tratos con un Contratista, y cualquier servicio que le proporcionen, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del Contratista.

Acerca del autor

Dawn Killough es una escritora independiente que cubre temas sobre construcción, finanzas y contabilidad. Es la autora de un libro electrónico sobre construcción ecológica y escribe para sitios web de tecnología en la construcción y construcción ecológica. Vive en Salem, Oregon con su esposo y cuatro gatos.

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