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¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para reemplazar un techo?

Por Karen L. Edwards

05 de febrero de 2024

Contractor installing a residential roof

Si todos los días fueran soleados, templados y con una agradable temperatura de 75 grados, habría pocas razones para preguntarse cuál es el mejor momento para reemplazar un techo. Of course, not everyone lives in areas with ideal weather conditions, as climates vary greatly across the country.

So if a client ever asks, "When is the best time to replace a roof?" your answer will likely vary based on where they live and what each season is like. Sin embargo, puedes dar algunas indicaciones generales como respuesta. Here's what to consider for each season to help answer the question, "when is the best time to replace a roof?"


Springtime is traditionally recognized as the kickoff of roofing season, as outside temperatures begin to warm and activity increases. Thanks to melting ice and snow, it's also the time of year that homeowners may want to have their roofs checked out for damage.

While spring offers outdoor temperatures that are more friendly for workers, the season also typically comes with an increased chance of severe thunderstorms (and potentially tornados, depending on the region). Spring is usually a good time to schedule a roof replacement if you just monitor the weather forecast for major events to help reduce the chance of delays.


With spring showers in the rearview, most areas of the country see longer stretches of nice weather during summertime, which lends itself well to working outside. Accordingly, summer tends to be the most ideal time for installing a new roof.

But with potentially hot days, when is the best time to replace a roof in the summer? Los trabajadores tendrán que empezar lo antes posible porque las temperaturas suelen ser más frescas por la mañana. Dependiendo de las temperaturas previstas, puede ser necesario repartir el trabajo a lo largo de varios días, de modo que la mayor parte del trabajo pueda hacerse por la mañana, antes de que haga demasiado calor. It's also wise to remind customers that workers will need to have breaks in the shade and access to water to stay hydrated.


The autumn months can be an equally good time for a roof replacement as summer, as the hot and hazy days have passed, and severe weather isn't as common. La única excepción es si trabajas en una zona propensa a los huracanes. Hurricane season runs through the end of November and can cause project delays.

In addition to the favorable weather, fall is a popular season for roof replacement because many property owners want to fortify their homes and buildings with a new roof before the winter months.


In some areas of the country, it may be possible to continue roofing installations year-round, including during the winter. En las regiones del sur, por ejemplo, el reemplazo de techos a menudo puede hacerse en invierno, ya que hay menos probabilidades de inclemencias meteorológicas. Las temperaturas pueden bajar, pero no tan drásticamente como en zonas donde el hielo y la nieve son más frecuentes. Of course, it's still important to reference the relevant local forecast when scheduling upcoming work.

Sustained stretches of very cold weather does not constitute suitable weather for the installation of asphalt shingles. Todas las tejas autoadhesivas deben exponerse a condiciones cálidas y soleadas durante varios días antes de que se sellen por completo. Antes de que se produzca el sellado, las tejas son vulnerables a las voladuras y a los daños causados por el viento. Es posible que las tejas instaladas en otoño o invierno no se sellen hasta la primavera siguiente. Las tejas que no estén expuestas a la luz solar directa, a temperaturas superficiales adecuadas, o que no estén bien fijadas o instaladas, tal vez no se sellen nunca. La falta de sellado, la voladura de tejas y los daños causados por el viento en estas circunstancias son consecuencia de la naturaleza de las tejas autoadhesivas y no están cubiertos por la mayoría de las garantías de los fabricantes. Asegúrate de seguir las instrucciones del fabricante para una correcta instalación. While most provide guidance about cold weather installations, it will ultimately be up to you to exercise discretion about when to move forward with an installation vs. postponing the work until more favorable weather conditions are present.

Other Factors That May Affect Project Timing

While weather is likely the leading factor that can disrupt scheduled roofing work, if you want to best answer your client's question of "when is the best time to replace a roof?" you'll need to take other factors into account when setting timeline expectations for property owners. Uno de esos factores es el plazo de entrega de los materiales. If your customer chooses an uncommon color or a specialty product, it may take longer for materials to arrive.

Another factor to weigh is your own backlog. Si tu calendario de trabajo está reservado con semanas de anticipación, comunícales claramente el calendario a tus clientes y hazles saber que los fenómenos meteorológicos podrían afectar la programación de proyectos. Regularly communicating with customers and setting accurate expectations are key to a positive experience.

Looking to learn more roofing best practices and further expand your knowledge base? Check out GAF's CARE Contractor Training Center to help build your skill set and receive valuable training.

Acerca del autor

Karen L. Edwards es una escritora independiente que se especializa en la industria de la construcción y tiene pasión por los techos, ya que ha trabajado en la industria durante 20 años.

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