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Techos residenciales

Tejas Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series: una nueva era en tejas reflectoras

By Dawn Killough

06 de septiembre de 2024

GAF Timberline HDZ Reflector Series Shingles on a roof.

GAF Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series Shingles come in rich, vibrant colors, giving homeowners attractive color options that can be used to comply with the Cool Roof Requirements of Title 24 and the LA County Green Building Standards Code.*

Here's why you may want to add these shingles to your business offerings, especially if you work in California.

Tejas Timberline HDZ® RS

A few features make these shingles stand out.

Meeting California Code Compliance

In California, residential roofs must meet solar reflectance requirements because they are mandated by California's Building Energy Efficiency Standards Title 24, Part 6 and Los Angeles County Green Building Code. Both codes set a minimum reflectance rating known as the solar reflective index (SRI), which measures a material's ability to reflect sunlight and heat. Cuanto más bajo sea el valor de SRI (de 0 a 100), más temperatura tomará el material con la luz solar. Cuanto más alto sea el valor, menos temperatura tomará el material. Shingles with a higher SRI help reduce temperatures by reflecting sunlight which can help reduce the cooling load.

The new Timberline HDZ® RS Shingles provide solar reflectance that complies with both Title 24 and the Los Angeles County Green Building Code.

Título 24

California's Title 24 covers the entire state, unless local requirements are stricter, providing cool roof requirements for residential and commercial buildings based on their locations within 16 climate zones. Para los edificios residenciales (nuevas construcciones), las zonas climáticas de 1 a 9 y 16 no tienen requisitos para techos frescos. Climate zones 4, and 8 through 15 require cool roofs for new and reroof applications when more than 50% of the roof is removed.

If shingles don't meet the required SRI, alternative paths to compliance include using a radiant barrier, airspace, or additional attic insulation.

Los Angeles County Green Building Code

The Los Angeles County Green Building Code's Cool Roof Ordinance covers buildings in the county and prescribes SRI values depending on the type of building (low-rise residential, high-rise residential and hotels/motels, and nonresidential) and roof slope. High-slope (greater than 2:12), low-rise residential roofs must have an SRI of 20 or more. Exceptions apply to roof repairs or replacements where less than 50% of the roof is removed, additions of less than 500 square feet or less than 50% of the total roof area, and green roofs.

Selling Points for California Homeowners

When working with property owners in California and Los Angeles County, you can highlight the following selling points of Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series Shingles.

Close up of Timberline HDZ RS Reflector Series Charcol Shingles on a California Home

Potential Savings on Cooling Costs

Reflective roofing may help decrease a roof's temperature and cooling load, which has the potential to lower cooling costs.****


Timberline HDZ® RS Shingles provide the darkest highly-reflective shingle available, Charcoal, thanks to EcoDark® granules. They also feature GAF's High Definition® color blends for dimensional, wood-shake look.


Homeowners can enjoy heightened confidence when choosing Timberline HDZ® RS Shingles because they come with a Lifetime Limited Warranty***** against manufacturing defects and a 25-year StainGuard Plus™ Algae Protection limited warranty.**

Enhancing Homes' Appeal

Homeowners can rest assured that the new Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series Shingles offer the durability of GAF shingles while providing deep, rich color options to match their unique aesthetic.

Gama de colores

Timberline HDZ® RS shingles feature newly formulated EcoDark® Granules that provide deep rich, dark colors including Charcoal, the darkest highly-reflective shingle color in California, as well as other popular shingle colors that offer color blends for a more dimensional look.

Timberline HDZ RS Shingle Color Swatches

Time-Release Algae Fighting Technology

Timberline HDZ® RS shingles feature GAF Time-Release Algae-Fighting Technology which uses specially engineered capsules that are infused with thousands of copper microsites. Esto posibilita que el cobre se libere de manera pareja con el transcurso del tiempo para lograr una potencia de combate de las algas más duradera. It's technology so strong, it powers the 25-Year StainGuard Plus™ Algae Protection Limited Warranty.**

Garantía limitada contra vientos WindProven

Timberline HDZ® RS shingles have LayerLock® technology and the StrikeZone™, nailing area like traditional Timberline HDZ® shingles, and are eligible for the WindProven™ Limited Wind Warranty with no maximum wind speed limitation when installed with the required combination of accessories.***

¿Tienes curiosidad por saber más? Visit the GAF Timberline HDZ® RS Shingles product page for more details.

*Puede utilizarse para cumplir con los requisitos para techos frescos en edificios residenciales de pendiente escarpada detallados en el Título 24, Parte 6 del Código de Regulaciones de California de 2022 y el Código de Normas de Construcción Ecológica del Condado de Los Ángeles.

**25-year StainGuard Plus Algae Protection Limited Warranty against blue-green algae discoloration is available only on products sold in packages bearing the StainGuard Plus logo. Consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF para conocer todos los detalles sobre la cobertura y las restricciones.

***La garantía contra vientos limitada WindProven™ de 15 años cubre solo las tejas de GAF con tecnología LayerLock® y requiere el uso de hilada inicial de GAF, protección para cubierta de techo, tejas de caballete, y barrera contra goteras o ventilación para ático. Consulta la garantía limitada de GAF para el sistema de techo para ver todos los detalles de la cobertura y las restricciones. Visita para ver los productos elegibles de GAF. En el caso de instalaciones no elegibles para la garantía limitada contra viento WindProven, consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones.

****Energy cost savings are not guaranteed and the amount of savings may vary based on a variety of factors, such as climate zone, utility rates, radiative properties of roofing products, insulation levels and HVAC equipment efficiency.

*****Definición de "De por vida": el término "de por vida" corresponde al tiempo que tú, el propietario original (o el segundo propietario si la cobertura se transfirió de manera adecuada durante el período de protección de Smart Choice), poseas la propiedad donde se instalaron las tejas y/o los accesorios. La garantía de por vida se aplica únicamente a las tejas y a los accesorios instalados en una vivienda unifamiliar independiente, que sea propiedad de individuos. La duración de la garantía es de 40 años para los demás tipos de propietarios o edificios, como empresas, entidades gubernamentales, entidades religiosas, asociaciones de condominios o propietarios de viviendas, escuelas, edificios de apartamentos, edificios de oficinas o estructuras para usos múltiples. Consulta la garantía limitada de tejas y accesorios de GAF, la garantía limitada del sistema de techo de GAF y la garantía limitada Golden Pledge de GAF para conocer la cobertura completa y las restricciones.

Acerca del autor

Dawn Killough es una escritora independiente que cubre temas sobre construcción, finanzas y contabilidad. Es la autora de un libro electrónico sobre construcción ecológica y escribe para sitios web de tecnología en la construcción y construcción ecológica. Vive en Salem, Oregon con su esposo y cuatro gatos.

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