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Techos residenciales

La gestión rápida de prospectos es la clave para el éxito en las ventas

By Wendy Helfenbaum

12 de abril de 2021

Contractor on cellphone

Para cuando un cliente potencial se comunica contigo, es probable que ya haya investigado a varios contratistas para techos. Tu negocio se enfrenta a la competencia desde el principio, ¿cómo puedes superar a múltiples competidores y cerrar la venta? En muchos casos, estos esfuerzos dependen de una respuesta rápida a la gestión de prospectos.

"Speed to lead" statistics indicate that the more quickly you reply to an inquiry, the better your chances are of transforming a potential customer into a sale. Wait too long, and you risk losing that lead. Here's how to be strategic and proactive about lead management.

Recognize the Need for Speed

The internet gives consumers immediate access to information, so they expect fast responses to their inquiries. An effective lead management tool can track and contact potential clients, which can give roofing contractors an edge.

Today, that response time frame is as small as it has ever been. Consumers have no shortage of options, which means that capitalizing on leads requires you and your team to act quickly. A recent MIT study found that the chances of success with a customer are 100 times higher after a five-minute response than they are if you wait half an hour before responding. Rich Harshaw, a marketing expert in the home services industry, believes your best chance is an even quicker response—think nanoseconds.

Capture the Lead in the First Call Back

Reaching out to a roofing contractor is an important stage of a homeowner's buying journey. They may be ready to buy, so the company that can establish a swift rapport with them is most likely to get their business.

Train your teams to prioritize immediate responses to leads. Provide a script for sales and office staff that describes your company and the services you offer. Establish a system to follow up with clients-this will empower employees to reach out as part of a lead management process. This type of process can help establish a positive relationship with property owners that keeps your company and sales professionals top of mind.

Sales teams who don't return calls within about five minutes may lose more opportunities, miss out on marketing ROI data, and waste marketing expenses. The longer potential customers wait for a response, the more likely they are to sign with a competitor.

Use the Right Tools for the Job

Many businesses don't qualify their leads in time—not because they don't aim to, but because they're not working with the right tools or software for lead management. Your company can improve its "speed to lead" by leaning on technology such as GAF Leads, which instantly notifies you through a text message and/or email when a lead comes in. This flexible platform works on mobile, desktop, or select CRMS systems*, and is able to collect the analytics you need to evaluate sales performance, ROI, and future decision-making.

Faster lead response times are a strategic path to better-qualified conversions and close rates. Keep analyzing your data, tracking response times, and measuring your actual versus closed opportunities. Evaluating sales performance and leads sources will help you decide which marketing campaigns are a good investment and which salespeople are best for certain leads.

GAF Leads can help contractors implement an effective and proactive system. Prioritizing a positive customer experience through a proper lead management process can help guide your success rates in the right direction: Straight up!

For more tips and solutions that can help you achieve your business goals, check out GAF's resources to grow your business.

*GAF Leads is currently able to integrate with Acculynx, Job Nimbus and Job Progress.

Acerca del autor

Wendy Helfenbaum es una periodista, redactora de marketing de contenidos y productora de televisión de Montreal que aborda los temas de diseño, arquitectura, propiedades inmobiliarias, jardinería y viajes para muchas publicaciones y marcas, tales como Country Gardens, Metropolis Magazine,, Marriott Traveler, Costco Connection, Toll Brothers, PBS y muchas más. A Wendy le encanta estar al día con las tendencias de diseño actuales y es fanática de los reality shows de bricolaje para mejoras del hogar. Síguela en @WendyHelfenbaum.

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