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Building a Better Roofing Business: A 6-Step Guide to Strategic Business Planning

By Satta Sarmah Hightower

30 de octubre de 2020

Business leader with laptop writing business plan

Whether you want to grow your revenue, revamp your service offerings, or expand your marketing program, it all starts with a plan.

But creating a plan doesn't just involve jotting down a few ideas. You need a strategic business plan for your roofing business that breaks down your big goals into smaller components you can tackle over time. Here's a roadmap for how you can build a strategic business plan that could help you take your business to the next level.

Step 1: Set SMART Goals

Good strategic business planning starts with setting goals, or more specifically, SMART goals. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, a specific goal for your roofing business could be to hit a certain amount in revenue or to hire two project managers by the end of the year.

Your goals also should be measurable, meaning you need to attach a metric to them to gauge your company's progress, noted Danny Kerr, director of assessment at Breakthrough Academy, during a recent GAF webinar, "How to Build Your Quarterly Strategic Plan" (register here to view on-demand and use Branch code: GAF).

"You need to have a number so you can see, 'Are you ahead?' or 'Are you behind?' and by how much? Then you can start to deduce why," Kerr said.

Attainable simply means your goals are realistic. It's normal for entrepreneurs to get excited about where they want to take their businesses, but if you're currently making $500,000 in annual sales, a goal to increase sales to $5 million in one year probably isn't attainable in that time frame.

"Make sure that when you're setting up a goal for a quarter or a year, that it's not your ego speaking and that it's very grounded," Kerr said.

Setting a relevant goal is important to remove distractions and focus on the key areas that are connected to your business's mission. Your goal also should be time-bound, meaning you have a set date for achieving your goal.

Step 2: Think about Your Company Values

Your company values are the principles that guide how you do business, from how and whom you hire to how you engage with customers and position your brand. Your company should rally around your values, and your goals should connect to these values.

By aligning your goals with your company values, you tie them to a larger mission and vision, whether that goal is to donate 1 percent of revenue to local causes or to be able to provide customers with better service in the form of a ten-year free service guarantee.

Step 3: Understand Your Purpose

It's crucial to understand your "why," which can motivate your team when it may take longer than you hope to achieve your goals.

Your purpose could be providing a healthy growth environment for your team while creating a culture where work-life balance is the rule rather than the exception. Every organization will have a different "why," but articulating your purpose is crucial to building a thriving company.

"People go through pretty real stuff as a business and if you don't have a core 'why' that connects to you as an owner, especially in your heart, it can be easy to just fold when things get too crazy," Kerr said.

Step 4: Identify Your Most Audacious Goal

With your company values and big-picture purpose in mind, it's beneficial to develop an audacious goal for your business.

"This is the dream-state image, where you want to be five years out. If you could have everything go your way, what would be the perfect situation for your company?" said Benji Carlson, assessment specialist at Breakthrough Academy, during the webinar.

For example, this goal could be for your company to hit $10 million in annual revenue with a 12-15 percent profit margin within five years, while you as an owner work less and have more time to spend with your family. This example illustrates that even though a major goal is more visionary and longer term, it can still be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Step 5: Create Yearly Goals and Initiatives, and Break Them Down into Smaller Parts

In the $10 million revenue example, this could mean setting a 2021 revenue goal of $4.25 million with a 12 percent profit margin while taking one full day off per week. To achieve these goals, you need to break them down into even smaller tasks or initiatives. Examples could include a key promotion to give an employee more responsibility or finding ways to improve your marketing.

"Initiatives are the how-to behind the goals," Carlson said. "These are actually activities, projects, or things we need to complete as a team that are going to allow us to achieve the goals that we've articulated."

It's important to break down these initiatives into smaller tasks to make them manageable. For example, if you want to hire three new sales reps by the end of the year, smaller tasks could include developing an ideal candidate profile and meeting with your current sales reps to gather input. Breaking down your goals in this manner can help make them feel more achievable and less like you have a huge mountain to climb.

Step 6: Track Your Progress

Once you map out a strategic business plan with your goals and initiatives, take the time to track your progress. Assess whether you're hitting the deadlines you set for your company and what bottlenecks or distractions you can remove to hit your goal in the timeframe you've allotted.

In some cases, it might be necessary to revisit your goals or certain initiatives and adjust the timeline. As an entrepreneur, you have to adapt as your business environment changes, but that doesn't make having a strategic plan any less critical. Creating a strategic plan can help you establish a clear vision and identify actionable steps for where you want to take your company-all of which may just lay the groundwork for a successful, thriving, and long-lasting business.

Ready to apply these steps to your 2021 planning? Register for our upcoming webinar on November 20th with guest Danny Kerr from Breakthrough Academy to take the principles above and learn a step-by-step approach for creating a simple, yet effective annual one-page strategic business plan. You'll be given the ready-to-go systems to break initiatives down into a weekly focused routine that keeps you on track for the year.

About the Author

Satta Sarmah Hightower es una escritora independiente que cubre temas sobre negocios, tecnología y salud para una amplia variedad de marcas y publicaciones. Como experiodista, Satta tiene un título en periodismo de la Boston University y una maestría en periodismo de la Northwestern University's Medill School.

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Andrew Prchal and Eddie Prchal at the GAF WealthBuilder Conference.
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Roof Raisers: el foco de Gunner Roofing's Focus en la innovación y el servicio es la clave del éxito

Comprar un techo en línea puede ser tan fácil como hacer un pedido en Amazon gracias a una nueva plataforma de techos en línea de Gunner Roofing. Its industry-changing innovation won the Connecticut-based company the esteemed recognition of Cutting-Edge Contractor at the 2023 GAF WealthBuilder Conference and Expo in Austin, Texas.Leading with Customer ServiceInnovation is a main focus for co-founders (and brothers), Andrew Prchal and Eddie Prchal, but customer experience is the force that drives Gunner Roofing. "Every aspect of our business is customer experience," Eddie notes in an online interview with GAF CARE.In their quest to perfect their customers' experiences, the Prchal brothers considered how to simplify the roof-buying process. This led to the innovative idea to create an online roof estimation and purchasing platform. "The [roof-buying] program is a part of us," Eddie explains. 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It's fast, easy, and pressure-free for buyers."Customers aren't as hesitant to seek out quotes because it won't mean 10 people contacting them and then being on a call list," explains Andrew.Revolutionizing Lead GenerationBoth customers and contractors win as a result of the company's proprietary new software. The increased accessibility has also increased interest among homeowners and property managers, which has led to a surge in requests.The Prchal brothers say that during the first month of the program launch, Gunner Roofing received a double-digit jump in quote requests. Overall, they've seen a 50% increase in their lead volume. In fact, Andrew shared that two new customer quote requests came in through their website in the 20 minutes the brothers were on stage presenting their program to fellow GAF Master Elite® Contractors* at the 2023 GAF WealthBuilder Conference.Building a BusinessThe Prchals got into roofing to "push the industry forward as far as customer experience," Eddie says. The two brothers had been living in Arizona when their brother-in-law-who does solar installations on the East Coast-told them he couldn't count on his area roofing contractors to complete roofs before his solar installations. They saw the opportunity to help and "packed a U-Haul and moved with our Siberian Husky, Brooklyn, and just went for it," Eddie notes. Coming from Arizona, they weren't used to the snow, but now they "love the weather and the seasons and the people," Andrew shares.From day one, Eddie and Andrew say they were driven by their desire to improve the customer experience. Their passion for innovation got them to where they are today.Learning from LeadersReady to positively impact the roofing industry like the Prchal brothers? Eddie explains the realization of your dream idea lies in being persistent-the Gunner Estimator wasn't just some overnight idea. The two men developed the concept and worked on refining the program for 2.5 years before it officially launched. "We're not computer scientists," Andrew jokes. "The real factor was having the idea but then believing in it and taking action."Thanks to the Prchals' dream, interest in innovation, and dedication to customer service, their roofing business is now recognized as an award-winning industry leader. In addition to its latest designation, Gunner Roofing received the GAF Master Elite® President's Club Award in 2022. "At Gunner Roofing our online estimator is just another show of our commitment to the customer," the company's website explains. "We believe this allows us to deliver the easiest checkout process, the highest install standards, and the perfect customer experience from start to finish."Want recognition for your innovative business idea? Contact your local Territory Manager for information on submitting for next year's Cutting Edge Contractor award.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Tus tratos con un contratista, y cualquier servicio que te proporcione, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista de GAF.

Por Annie Crawford

31 de agosto de 2023

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