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Opciones eléctricas de ventilación para ático para proyectos residenciales

By Dawn Killough

20 de diciembre de 2021

Power attic ventilation options

Un sistema de ventilación para ático equilibrado ayuda a reducir el calor y la humedad dañinos en los espacios del ático, lo que a su vez contribuye a disminuir la carga en los sistemas de aire acondicionado y el riesgo de formación de diques de hielo en el invierno.

Here are some of the most common attic ventilation systems and how to determine which option may be right for you.

Power Attic Ventilation Systems

Under the umbrella of powered attic ventilation systems, you have a few options to consider. Powered vents come in solar-powered and hardwired versions, and they can be roof mounted or gable mounted. In order to stay efficient, most systems use a thermostat to trigger power attic fan operation—but it's worth digging a little deeper into how these systems differ.

Hardwired Powered Vents

Hardwired powered vents are connected directly to the house's electrical system, providing a consistent source of power. Fans come in a range of power levels depending on the level of air movement needed. For example, the GAF Master Flow ERV6 Roof Mount Power Attic Vent provides 1,500 CFM for attics up to 2,800 square feet.

Solar-Powered Vent Fans

Solar-powered fans are easy to install. They rely on a small solar panel for power, making these vent fans a great option in areas with good exposure to the sun. Some solar-powered fans come with batteries or the option to connect to the building's electrical system as an alternative to solar. This helps to ensure that the fan has consistent access to power. GAF has a high-powered model in its Master Flow line as well as unique dual-powered models that switch automatically between solar and house power.

Roof Mounted Power Vents

Power vents can be mounted on the roof surface, generally close to the ridge or to the highest part of the attic. Most roof vent fans have a low profile, but customers may want to have them installed on the back of the roof for aesthetic purposes. The GAF Master Flow ERV4 Roof Mount Power Attic Vent provides enough airflow for attics up to 1,600 sq. ft.

Gable Mounted Powered Vents

Gable mounted vents are installed on the side wall of the attic. They come in both hardwired and solar options. Installed on the interior of the attic and with no exterior profile, the fans are easy to hide; the GAF Master Flow EGV5 Gable Mount Power Attic Vent is also an easy power vent to install.

Is It Best to Use Electric or Solar-Powered Attic Vents?

Electric hardwired attic vents are a good option when there is limited exposure to the sun and for higher-powered fans. Hardwiring provides a consistent power source that doesn't depend on natural conditions.

Solar-powered attic vents are a good option when exposure to the sun is not an issue and your project doesn't require a higher-powered fan. Overall, solar power vents often work best in climates which have less excessive heat. Regardless of what option you select, it's critical to ensure that the system is balanced.

How Much Does It Cost to Install a Power Vent?

Installation costs vary depending on the amount of work required and the number of fans needed. Some common costs include:

  • Powered ventilator (cost may vary depending on the size and type)
  • Penetrating the roof or side wall of house, if not already done (costs may vary)
  • Installation labor (costs may vary)
  • Wiring from vent location to the nearest electrical source (costs may vary)
  • Making electrical connections (costs may vary)
  • Exterior louver if gable mounted

Other Options for Attic Ventilation

Other popular options for attic ventilation include static and mechanical vents. Static vents are openings that allow hot air to escape as air flows through the attic: air comes in from the intake vents at the lower level of the roof and rises to the top, where it exits through vents on the ridge or roof high point.

Mechanical vents rely on wind power to turn a turbine, which draws hot air from the attic to the outside. These fans rely on a fairly constant wind of at least 5 miles per hour to keep the air moving.

If you'd like more information about power attic ventilation design and options, visit the GAF Learning Portal. For attic ventilation products that keep your most critical needs in mind, consider the GAF Master Flow product line.

About the Author

Dawn Killough es una escritora independiente que cubre temas sobre construcción, finanzas y contabilidad. Es la autora de un libro electrónico sobre construcción ecológica y escribe para sitios web de tecnología en la construcción y construcción ecológica. Vive en Salem, Oregon con su esposo y cuatro gatos.

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Ventajas de los revestimientos de silicona para techos

Como contratista comercial de construcción de techos, usted es responsable de elegir los materiales adecuados para cada trabajo. Con tantas opciones disponibles, tomar una decisión puede resultar una tarea difícil.Cada vez más, los profesionales del sector están optando por los revestimientos de silicona para techos por su fuerza y durabilidad. Este tipo de revestimientos sirve para extender la vida útil de un techo con una estructura firme y, posiblemente, para que los propietarios ahorren tiempo y dinero al retrasar la reparación completa del techo. Además, sus propiedades de restauración funcionan a la perfección con la mayoría de los sistemas comerciales de construcción de techos, como el EPDM, de fieltro, de betún y de metal.¿Qué son los revestimientos de silicona para techos?Los revestimientos de silicona son revestimientos de protección, alto rendimiento e impermeables para techos. Al agregar este revestimiento a un techo con una estructura firme, se puede extender la vida útil del techo existente. La silicona es un componente inorgánico, por lo que mantiene sus propiedades a la intemperie. A su vez, es un material flexible que puede absorber la mayor parte del movimiento normal de un techo a fin de evitar el agrietamiento y la pérdida de sus capacidades de protección.Beneficios de los revestimientos de silicona para techosAdemás de su flexibilidad y su capacidad para extender la vida útil del techo existente, los revestimientos de silicona ofrecen una serie de beneficios. Laura Soder, gerenta sénior de productos líquidos y revestimientos de GAF, explica que los revestimientos de silicona de GAF están diseñados para proteger el techo de filtraciones y ofrecer otras ventajas relacionadas.Protección contra rayos UVEl principal beneficio de los revestimientos de silicona es la protección contra los rayos ultravioleta (UV). "La fórmula de la silicona de GAF incluye dióxido de titanio, lo que ofrece una estabilidad excepcional contra los rayos UV y una reflectancia solar alta", afirma. Esta protección UV ayuda a reducir la temperatura del techo, lo que se traduce en un mejor funcionamiento de las unidades de techo.RentabilidadLos revestimientos de silicona son soluciones rentables que sirven para retrasar el costo de los materiales y la mano de obra necesarios para reemplazar el techo en su totalidad. Funcionan de manera excelente con la mayoría de los techos comerciales y se acoplan especialmente bien con los techos de metal.Restaura el techo existente y extiende su vida útilSoder señala que los revestimientos de silicona se adhieren bien a los techos de metal, lo que los convierte en una excelente opción para extender la vida útil de este tipo de techos. Antes de su aplicación, cepille el óxido ligero o trate específicamente las zonas con más óxido. "Hay muchos techos de metal instalados y, para aquellos que tienen una estructura firme y solo requieren una restauración moderada, se puede agregar con facilidad años de vida útil al techo al revestirlo con silicona", sostiene.Resistente a la humedadLos revestimientos de silicona también son conocidos por su capacidad de resistencia a la humedad. Como la silicona es inorgánica, resiste la degradación en zonas en las que el agua se acumula, lo que la convierte en una opción ideal para áreas con muchas lluvias o nieve.Funciona en climas calurosos y fríosLa silicona tiene un amplio rango de temperaturas en las que se puede aplicar. Al no contener agua, puede aplicarla en temperaturas más bajas que el acrílico y otros revestimientos de techo. Proporciona una capa de impermeabilización monolítica y sin fisuras por encima de los techos de metal existentes. Además, la silicona se contrae y expande junto con el metal en climas fríos y calurosos.En qué se diferencian los revestimientos de silicona de los revestimientos elastoméricosEn comparación con el acrílico y otros revestimientos elastoméricos para techos, la silicona tiene ciertas ventajas.Los acrílicos son revestimientos de protección a base de agua con resistencia a los UV, pero no deben instalarse en lugares donde se acumula el agua, ya que podrían romperse y comenzar a deslaminarse. La silicona es un material que se termina de curar con la humedad, lo que significa que reacciona con la humedad del aire y se seca hasta lograr una película.Soder explica que ambos materiales son flexibles y adecuados para su uso sobre el metal. Pero, si hay agua estancada, el acrílico no es la mejor opción. "Si bien la silicona es más costosa, en general, se degrada a un ritmo mucho más lento que otros revestimientos", sostiene. Ahora bien, una de las desventajas de la silicona en comparación con otros revestimientos elastoméricos para techos es que es resbaladiza cuando está mojada.Recorrido por la instalación y aplicaciónSi bien los revestimientos de silicona pueden extender la vida útil de un techo existente, Soder sostiene que es mejor instalar el revestimiento antes de que finalice la vida útil de la membrana existente.Como las filtraciones suelen ocurrir en las juntas de los techos, puede agregar sellador de silicona en esas zonas. La fórmula de los selladores difiere de la de los revestimientos: en la de los selladores se utilizan otros polímeros de silicona, lo que los vuelve más robustos y pesados. Los selladores de silicona están formulados para las zonas de mucha presión y pueden ayudar a absorber el movimiento en puntos críticos del techo. Funcionan junto a un revestimiento de silicona para la protección del techo.Antes de aplicar cualquier revestimiento, asegúrese de que el techo esté limpio, seco y firme. "Limpio significa libre de contaminantes, polvo, aceites, hojas y otros desechos", explica Soder. Puede usar el concentrado de limpieza de GAF para hidrolavar el techo.Como la silicona se termina de secar con la humedad, el techo debe estar seco antes de aplicarla. Revestir una superficie húmeda puede afectar la adhesión del material y es uno de los errores más grandes que puede cometer en el momento de la instalación. Queremos que el revestimiento comience el proceso de secado por la humedad del aire, no de la humedad en el techo.Cómo aplicar revestimientos de siliconaLa aplicación de un revestimiento de silicona para techos implica cinco pasos:Limpiar los desechos del techo y probar que el revestimiento se adhiera correctamente a la superficie.Asegurarse de que el techo esté firme. Reparar las láminas de metal rotas y reemplazar los sujetadores que falten o estén dañados.Tratar todas las juntas y sujetadores con sellador de silicona, como GAF Silicone Mastic. Se debe aplicar con un cepillo a un grosor de 60 milésimas de pulgada o 1/16 pulgadas mojado.Usar el mismo sellador en los bordes, entradas y drenajes.Por último, aplicar el revestimiento de silicona para techos a todo el techo. Algunos revestimientos, como GAF Unisil Silicone, requieren dos capas, mientras que otros, como GAF High Solids Silicone, necesita solo una.Entender las necesidades de mantenimiento y la durabilidadEl mantenimiento de un revestimiento de silicona para techo es fundamental. Abordar los problemas antes de que se vuelvan más difíciles ayuda a minimizar los costos de las reparaciones y maximizar la vida útil del revestimiento.Como el techo se contrae y expande con el tiempo, se pueden producir algunos problemas con las juntas. Una buena regla de oro es hacer inspeccionar el techo cada seis meses. Aplicar un sellador de silicona puede servir para tratar las zonas con filtraciones o grietas. El sellador de silicona es estable contra los rayos UV y no necesita una capa final, según Soder.Agregar revestimientos de silicona para techos a la caja de herramientasCon tantos beneficios, los revestimientos de silicona para techos deberían ser la primera opción en los proyectos de planificación de restauración del techo. Además, al tener tantas opciones disponibles, puede elegir el tipo que sea mejor para cada tipo de techo en el que trabaje. ¿Tiene más preguntas sobre los revestimientos para techos? Los representantes del servicio técnico de GAF estarán encantados de asistirle con su nuevo proyecto de revestimiento.

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19 de noviembre de 2024

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How to Detect and Address a Roof Leak: A Homeowner's Guide

If you think your home might have a leak in the roof, you're right to be concerned. A leak, if left unrepaired, can lead to many problems, from mold to water damage. Detecting the issue early-and figuring out what's causing it-can help limit the damage.So, here's how to tell whether you have a roof leak, the common causes, and what to do next.How to Detect a Roof LeakHere are a few signs you might have a leaking roof.StainingWater stains, which look like brownish or yellowish spots, on your walls, floors, or ceilings are signs you have a leak. A plumbing leak can also cause these stains, but finding them in the attic or near other roofing structures means water is likely coming from the roof.MoldMold grows in humid environments, and roof leaks can create the perfect conditions for this growth. If you see mold around the attic and insulation, you may have a leak or your attic may not have proper ventilation. Either way, it's an issue you'll want to address.SaggingSagging ceilings can indicate leaks and issues with your roof's structural integrity. If water has accumulated in the roof decking, the wooden materials can rot and become damaged, weakening them. As water collects, it can also cause these materials to grow heavier, leading to sagging ceilings. This is a safety hazard you'll want to fix as soon as possible.Common Causes of Roof LeaksYour roofing system might develop a leak for several reasons.Severe WeatherWeather-related damage is one of the major sources of roof leaks. Exposure to moisture from rainstorms can cause materials like shingles or flashing to deteriorate and eventually allow water to seep into the structure below. Sharp winds can lift or warp shingles, letting water enter the damaged area. Hail can crack shingles and flashing. Even temperature fluctuations can cause materials to become brittle and crack as they expand and contract with these changes.Faulty Roof WorkImproperly installing roofing materials can also lead to roof leaks. When shingles aren't aligned or securely attached to the roof, it creates small openings where water can pool. This can occur when nails aren't driven in all the way or not enough nails are used. That's why certain shingles like GAF Timberline HDZ® use patented LayerLock® Technology that helps your roofer achieve a 99.9% nailing accuracy. Since flashing protects the vulnerable parts of the roof, improper flashing installation can also cause problems.Additionally, many homeowners try to save money by making repairs themselves or hiring low-quality contractors who don't do the job correctly or use cheap materials. This can lead to further and more expensive repairs down the road.Simple Wear and TearWear and tear over time can also cause roof leaks. Roofing materials can deteriorate over the years due to harsh weather, ultraviolet rays, and roof movements.Animals and Tree BranchesLess common causes, which still pop up now and then, include damage from animals and tree branches. The heavy impact from tree branches can crack shingles, leaving room for openings. Small critters like rats and squirrels can chew through roofing material or burrow into it, creating openings for water to enter.Call A Professional to Repair LeaksIt isn't always easy to identify the main source of a leak yourself. So, as soon as you notice any signs of a leak, call a trusted roofing contractor. They can find the leak's source, install quality materials to fix it before further damage occurs, and prevent it from happening again. A contractor can also help determine whether you need a new roof entirely.How to Prevent Roof Leaks in the FutureWith regular maintenance, you can catch leaks before they occur and extend your roof's life.Schedule A Professional InspectionIt's recommended to get your roof professionally inspected at least twice a year. When a leak is in the first stages, you might not notice signs immediately. A contractor can detect these issues before they happen and repair any damaged areas, such as shingles or flashing. These proactive steps are often less expensive than, for example, replacing damaged insulation from water damage or replacing the roof decking due to rot.Inspect Your Attic and RoofIn addition to professional inspections, monitor your attic and roof to determine whether you need a roof repair. From your attic, look for any sunlight that might be entering. If light can get into your attic, that means water can too. If you have a leak, you might see small dark spots or smell mildew or mold.While you should avoid climbing on your roof (leave this to the professionals who have the proper safety equipment and training), you can inspect your roof from the ground. Look for missing or damaged shingles, holes, and damage to the gutters and flashing.Clean Your GuttersMake gutter cleaning part of your yearly maintenance, or hire someone to do it. When your gutters become clogged with debris, water has nowhere to go and will remain on the roof or make its way inside. Installing gutter guards can help reduce the need for gutter cleanup.Trim Tree BranchesTrimming the tree branches near your roof can further prevent leaves from clogging the gutters. This step can also prevent branches from scratching your shingles on windy days or falling on your roof, leading to cracks.Catch Leaks Early to Minimize DamageYour roof is one of your home's most important structures. So, as soon as you notice signs of a leak, contact a roofing contractor, and prevent future leaks with regular roof maintenance and inspections. By taking these steps, you can ensure your roof protects what matters most for years to come.Ready to hire a contractor to fix a leak or inspect your roof? Find a GAF-Certified Contractor* near you.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Los contratistas pueden recibir beneficios, como puntos y descuentos de recompensa por lealtad en herramientas de comercialización de GAF por participar en el programa y ofrecer a GAF garantías mejoradas, que requieren el uso de una cantidad mínima de productos de GAF. Tus tratos con un contratista, y cualquier servicio que te proporcione, están sujetos a los Términos de uso del contratista de GAF.

Autor: Mark Soto​​​​​​​

15 de noviembre de 2024

Tangled pile of Christmas lights on roof
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How to Put Up Holiday Lights and Seasonal Decor Without Risk

While it can be fun to put up holiday lights, it's traditionally had its share of downsides. In addition to requiring a ladder, adding seasonal cheer to a home's exterior previously involved driving screws, nails, or staples into the roof or siding. The small holes these fasteners create can allow moisture to penetrate the roofing system, potentially leading to leaks, mold, and mildew.These days, you can choose many options to spread holiday cheer without damaging your home or taking on unnecessary risks. Here are the most effective ways to decorate for the season.Consider Decor That Doesn't Involve the RoofThe safest way to bedeck your home for the holidays is to decorate another part of the house or your yard, away from the roof. Here are a few ideas.ProjectorsLight projectors shower your home with a moving light display, featuring anything from snowflakes to traditional holiday characters. With many options, you're sure to find one that suits your house and neighborhood. And since the projector units sit close to the ground, you don't risk damage to your home and don't need a ladder to install them.InflatablesInflatables are staked into the ground and can help create a variety of holiday themes, from the classic nativity scene to an eye-catching menorah. They're easy to install and won't damage your home. However, inflatables are susceptible to weather events-during high winds or heavy snowfall, you may want to unplug or turn off the fan to prevent them from taking flight or creating a risk of electric shock.Tree LightsYou can hang lights from trees, landscaping, or other structures in your yard. Stringing lights around bushes, up light poles or tree trunks, and under a carport are all good alternatives to hanging them on the roof.How to String Holiday Lights on Your HouseIf you really want to put up holiday lights on your house, you can do so safely without damaging your roof or siding.Seek HelpOnly use a ladder with a partner nearby to help maintain stability and provide assistance. If you don't feel comfortable climbing a ladder or want additional help, contact a roofing contractor.Use Plastic ClipsYou can mount holiday lights using plastic clips that attach to gutters or shingles. The most common ones clip to the gutter's edge and hold either individual lights or the wire between them. You can also use siding clips to string lights vertically.Alternatively, you can install roof peak clips, which grip the shingle's edges at the top of the roof. They require access to the roof ridge, so professionals often use them.To remove the lights at the end of the season, take down the clips individually. Don't pull on the string of lights, as doing so could damage your gutters or the light string.Try Magnetic ClipsYou can use magnetic clips to attach individual bulbs or sockets to metal roofs or flashing. You can easily take them down by pulling on the string of lights (in this case, it's OK).While you're working around your roof, take a few minutes to inspect it for potential damage or quality issues. Contact a contractor if you have any concerns.Holiday Lighting OptionsSelect lights that are properly rated for outdoor use. LEDs are often recommended due to their energy efficiency, and they don't heat up like incandescent bulbs. You can also plug in multiple strings to the same outlet without fear of overloading the circuit, making LED lights more versatile.When it comes to types of holiday lighting, you have a few options.Large BulbsIt doesn't get much more traditional than large bulbs. You can use clips to ensure they're all pointing the same way, or string the cord through them for a more carefree look.Mini LightsMini lights don't put out as much light as large bulbs, so they may not be the best option for the roof. However, they're great for windows, trees, or indoor displays.Icicle LightsIcicle lights have strings of small bulbs that hang down from the gutter or roof to look like icicles. Use clips to attach the main string to the gutter line.Raindrop LightsRaindrop lights are animated to look like raindrops. You can hang them in a cluster in a small area or spots where traditional string lights don't work.Decorative Bulb CoversDecorative bulb covers give your home a unique look. You can get them shaped like snowmen, stars, ornaments, or other holiday motifs.Smart LightsSmart lights are the newest trend in holiday lighting. An app lets you control the lighting colors, patterns, intensity, and blinking speed so you can create your own unique light show. When paired with music, your home will become a neighborhood attraction.Remember to Prioritize SafetySafety should always be your first priority when you put up holiday lights. If you need a ladder to achieve your desired design, don't climb one without a helper nearby, and ensure you have the right ladder for the job. Also, attaching lights to your house with temporary clips instead of permanent fasteners can help keep your roofing system healthy.If you notice any roof damage or concerns while planning your holiday decorations, don't hesitate to contact a roofing contractor that's certified by GAF. They have the expertise to assess and address any roofing issues, ensuring your home stays protected throughout the holiday season and beyond.Whether you hang lights or opt for other outdoor decor, you can spread holiday cheer this season safely and creatively.

Autor: Dawn Killough

01 de noviembre de 2024

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