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Techos comerciales

Ampliación del servicio de mantenimiento de techos comerciales para escuelas

Por Karen L. Edwards

06 de marzo de 2024

Schoolyard with basketball court and school building exterior in the sunny evening. School yard with

Los programas de mantenimiento de techos comerciales son una excelente manera de expandir tu negocio y construir relaciones a largo plazo con los administradores de instalaciones escolares. Es posible que ya estés ofreciendo servicios de mantenimiento de techos comerciales o quizá estés interesado en expandirte. Brindar mantenimiento de techos a escuelas K-12 y a universidades puede ser una buena fuente de trabajo confiable y continuo. But you'll need to consider these facilities' nuances.

Schools' Current Roof Maintenance Challenges

In an educational environment, students' safety and comfort come first. Los edificios deben ser seguros y funcionales, y deben proporcionar una atmósfera propicia para el aprendizaje. La creación de este entorno comienza con el techo, pero es fácil posponerlo u olvidarlo, ya que muchos administradores de instalaciones escolares se centran en las cuestiones de mantenimiento del día a día. If students and teachers complain about a lack of hot water or classroom temperatures that are too hot or cold, facility managers swiftly address these issues.

However, facility managers should prioritize regular roof maintenance in addition to addressing the most immediate facility concerns. Even something like a small leak from deferred roof maintenance can lead to much larger, and more costly repairs, creating headaches for everyone involved, that could have been avoided.

The Value of Commercial Roof Maintenance Programs

The roof protects everything inside the school-from books and computers to shop equipment and musical instruments. ​​​​​​​Si un techo tiene goteras, muchos elementos podrían sufrir daños. Al fin y al cabo, garantizar un techo de calidad mediante un mantenimiento regular no solo protege todo el interior del edificio, sino que también puede ayudar a prolongar su vida útil. Además, algunos fabricantes de sistemas de techado pueden requerir inspecciones periódicas del techo para mantener las garantías. A roof maintenance program can meet this requirement, providing inspection records and evidence that any issues were addressed.

How to Develop a Maintenance Program for Schools

A commercial roof maintenance program for schools isn't much different from what you already do for other commercial buildings. Y si bien las inspecciones periódicas de mantenimiento pueden llevarse a cabo en cualquier momento, un techo descuidado a menudo puede terminar requiriendo reparaciones que deben coordinarse con el calendario escolar para planificar interrupciones mínimas para los estudiantes. This can cause inconvenient delays, or date changes that could be avoided with regular inspections and maintenance.

GAF Senior Product Manager Benjamin Runyan says that it's important to identify the manufacturer of the existing roofing system to ensure you are using compatible products that won't void the warranty or guarantee. "Hay que mirar esto desde el punto de vista del mantenimiento", indica Runyan. "¿Cómo es el techo? How was it built? How have they been maintaining it?"

To start, Runyan recommends that you inspect the entire roof system and document its condition with photos and notes. Presta especial atención a las áreas más vulnerables, como uniones, sujetadores, tapajuntas, bordes de metal, drenajes y canaletas. Busca grietas, materiales faltantes en el techo, evidencia de agua estancada, presencia de aves u otros animales, y señales de musgo o algas. An infrared scan of the roof can determine if any moisture is present and help pinpoint areas that need immediate attention.

Your program should include basic tasks such as clearing debris from drains and gutters, removing leaves or branches, and making minor repairs where existing sealants are losing pliability or are showing signs of deterioration. Si identificas problemas más importantes, puedes documentarlos con fotos y proporcionar un presupuesto de las reparaciones. Also, note how long the repairs should take and what products you'll use.

Getting Started with Schools

Preventative maintenance programs aren't just a benefit to the schools, they can also lead to other school roofing work including re-roofing opportunities. If you're ready to add school commercial maintenance programs to your business plan, GAF has the resources you need to get started. Runyan explains, "Your first step should be talking with your GAF Territory Manager as they will likely already have established relationships with school districts, colleges, roof consultants and architects in your service area."

From commercial roofing system specifications to WellRoof® Guarantee Extensions, plus roof restoration options, GAF meets all your needs for stepping into the world of educational buildings.

Acerca del autor

Karen L. Edwards es una escritora independiente que se especializa en la industria de la construcción y tiene pasión por los techos, ya que ha trabajado en la industria durante 20 años.

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