GAF Reflector Series Shingles: The Darkest Reflective Shingle on the Market
The newest line of reflective asphalt shingles designed by GAF, the Timberline HDZ® Reflector Series, can give your home both enhanced protection from the elements, and curb appeal. The roofing shingles, available in stylish dark colors, create an attractive aesthetic that can be used to comply with certain code requirements for reflectivity. This is particularly important in California, where state building codes like Title 24 and local regulations like the Los Angeles County Green Building Code require specific roof reflectivity to help conserve energy.
Tools and Specifications That Help Architects with Roof Design
As an architect tasked with overseeing your project's success, having access to a source for high-quality roofing products-and the expertise needed to understand how they work together-is key. This is true whether you're specifying the roof design for new construction or a tear-off on an existing building.
Las penetraciones en las tuberías de ventilación de plomería son puntos vulnerables en el techo de una casa. A menudo, son una fuente común de fugas de techos. So when a customer calls you with a problem involving a pipe on their roof, you'll want to present them with an effective and long-lasting solution.
The roof is arguably one of the most important structures of your home. It protects you and your family against harsh weather conditions, and it's a key part of your home's curb appeal. Having a quality and well-maintained roof isn't something to treat lightly, especially when you're looking to sell your property.
If you're gearing up to redesign your home's exterior, you're probably excited to make updates that boost the property's curb appeal and resale value, but you might not know where to start. Rest assured you're not alone.
If your roof has been showing signs of wear and you've finally decided to replace it, you'll naturally want to know what to expect and how long the process will take. But simply asking a contractor "How long does it take to replace a roof?" won't always give you the same answer.
The shoes you wear while working on a roof play an important role in your safety-especially when working on a steep-slope roof. So, what are the best roofing shoes for shingles? It would be great if there was a definitive answer, but many factors, including personal preferences, go into choosing the right roofing shoes.
Si tu edificio comercial necesita un techo nuevo o una reparación, podría ser el momento de llamar a un techador profesional. Es posible que haya algunos contratistas en tu área, por lo que saber qué preguntas hacerle a un techador te será de utilidad para encontrar el adecuado para el trabajo. Además de solicitar muestras de sus trabajos anteriores, aquí hay ocho preguntas para que le hagas al contratista de techado antes de contratarlo.
El sistema de techos comerciales de pendiente baja se encarga de mantener los elementos fuera del edificio. En épocas de lluvias intensas, el agua no tiene dónde ir y puede estancarse en el techo. El desagüe del techo evita que el agua se estanque, ya que ofrece una vía para que salga del techo.
As the architect on a project that involves a roof, whether a new construction or a reroof, the building owner relies on you to specify the roofing system that will perform well, stay within their budget, and comply with local building codes. As part of this process, wind design is integral to success. The challenge is choosing the right path to code compliance.
¿Alguna vez has pensado en que los productos de construcción pueden reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono de tu edificio? When considered over their useful life, materials like insulation decrease total carbon emissions thanks to their performance benefits. Read on for an explanation of how this can work in your designs.
¿Qué está pasando? No, el techo no tiene sarampión, tiene un problema con los puentes térmicos en los sujetadores que mantienen todos los componentes en su lugar, y es un problema que no se puede ignorar.
El almacenamiento en frío enfrenta desafíos únicos cuando se trata de mantener niveles óptimos de temperaturas interiores. El desarrollo de documentos de diseño para techos para almacenamiento en frío que mantienen las temperaturas interiores y, a la vez, crean un sistema de techo hermético son importantes para tener un techo para almacenamiento en frío de alto rendimiento. El flujo de aire sin control en el ensamblaje del techo puede causar condensación en el techo y la presencia de carámbanos o bolas de hielo en la parte inferior de la cubierta del techo. La condensación y el hielo en el ensamblaje del techo añaden peso al techo, y el aislante húmedo reduce significativamente el valor R. Una reducción en el valor R implica que será más difícil que el aislante retenga las temperaturas interiores, y el equipo de enfriamiento tendrá que trabajar más para mantener las temperaturas interiores fijas.
GAF plant communities are so much more than places to do business. They're communities where employees raise their families, support their neighbors, and call their home. That's why, after Hurricane Helene tore through several plants-including Valdosta, Tampa, Savannah, and Statesboro-the local GAF team jumped into action to support those impacted by the storm. This spirit of service-even when many were grappling with damage themselves-embodied the GAF mission to protect what matters most.
Under sunny blue skies, GAF hometown workers from Minneapolis joined over 4,000 Habitat for Humanity volunteers to donate their time and energy to the 2024 Carter Work Project in East St. Paul, Minnesota.
As part of its effort to build resilient communities, GAF provides students across the country with opportunities to gain work experience and hands-on training. The GAF co-op program offers participants autonomy and leadership in project management, engineering design, budgeting, project installation, and more.