Installation Instructions and Guides

The Dual Powered Model PRHYBRID2 -automatically switches between solar and house power to help reduce excessive heat and moisture in the attic during cloudy weather or at night. It also helps reduce energy costs associated with operating a purely house-powered unit.1 Includes thermostat control. Both models are eligible for coverage under GAF enhanced warranties when installed by a contractor certified by GAF in connection with a qualifying roofing system2.
This product can be used to comply with certain FORTIFIED Roof™ requirements. Visit gaf.com/fortified and current FORTIFIED Home™ Standard available at fortifiedhome.org for details. Applicable in the U.S. only.
1 Energy cost savings are not guaranteed.
2 See GAF System Plus, Silver Pledge, and Golden Pledge Limited Warranties for complete coverage and restrictions. When not eligible for coverage under GAF enhanced warranties, see Master Flow Ventilation Products Limited Warranty, Master Flow Powered Ventilation Products Limited Warranty or Master Flow Wifi Attic Vent Limited Warranty (depending on product) for complete coverage and restrictions.
3 Based on GAF ASHRAE/ANSI standard airflow testing.
Installation Instructions and Guides
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