MATRIX™ 203 Plastic Roof Cement

A general purpose, asbestos-free formulation for use as a cold-applied sealant and repair material in all types of roof systems, this product is scientifically compounded with premium materials to enhance resistance to flow and increase durability.

The heavy, “trowel-grade” consistency makes this product easy to apply – even in low temperatures – and ideal for flashing details and a variety of roofing and waterproofing repairs, such as moving joints and roof penetrations. The advantages include superior bonding strength and high flexibility to accommodate temperature-related expansion and contraction of the roof system.

  • Sealing leaks and openings around flashings, chimneys, vents, skylights, joints in metal edging, gutters, and similar objects
  • Sealing shingles, repairing asphalt built-up, metal, and masonry roofs
  • Constructing built-up flashings
  • Filling flashing pans around roof penetrations
  • Damp proofing the exterior side of concrete and masonry walls and asphalt roof cement
  Container Size Net Contents
PAIL 5-gallon (18.9 liter) 4.75-gallon (17.98 liter)
BUCKET 2.8-gallon (10.99 liter) 3-gallon (11.36 liter)


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