
Ever since I was a young boy, I was fascinated with construction. Upon graduating from Negaunee High School, it was off to the Navy Seabees which is the Navy Construction Batallion-I learned all aspects of construction worldwide. Returning to the local area these skills were used for five years. I applied what I had learned about siding, windows, roofing, porches and decks. After completing the family log home in 2003, Rainy Creek was launched, a dream fulfilled.

Certifications & Awards

  • Award

    President's Club Award

  • Master elite roof contractor certification

    Master Elite®

  • President's Club Award

    Less than half of Master Elite® contractors qualify for President’s Club status, showing excellence in three areas: Performance, Reliability, and Service. The badge signifies a Contractor’s commitment to installation of roofing systems that qualify for GAF’s best warranties.

  • Master elite roof contractor certification

    Master Elite®

    RESIDENTIAL - GAF Master Elite Contractors are entrusted to offer GAF’s strongest warranties including the Golden Pledge Limited Warranty* on qualifying roofing systems which provides coverage against manufacturing defects in qualifying GAF products and up to 30 years of misapplication coverage.


Years in Business

In business since 2004

Number of Employees

More than 5

Contractor ID



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