BNW Builders LLC
BNW Builders earned GAF Master Elite status in November of 2007. In 2013 BNW Builders earned entrance in to the GAF President's Club, an award achieved by only 28 GAF Master Elite roofers in the United States. Proudly, every year since 2009 BNW Builders has earned the GAF Master Elite Triple Excellence Award. The Triple Excellence Award consists of earning the following three awards in the same year.... The Consumer Protection Excellence award, Training Excellence award, and Installation Excellence award! As you can see our promise to you is simple… BNW Builders will install the most advanced roofing system with the finest warranty available. The combination of GAF Master Elite roofer and GAF Golden Pledge warranty is the solution. GAF offers a lifetime shingle manufacturing defect coverage, twenty-five year workmanship coverage, and a Exclusive Select 40-point factory inspection of your completed roof! Call BNW Builders today at 346-3300 or visit us at www.bnwbuilders.com to schedule your free consultation.
Certifications & Awards
GAF Master Elite®
Contractor ID
State License Number